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Increment Variable When Click On Submit


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Hello everybody, first of all i need to say that this is my first topic and i need to enfasize that my english is so bad 'cause i'm from Brazil.


Ok, now let's talk about my "problem".



Well, i'm trying to make a form where the user can click in 2 different buttons and these buttons increase variables that correspond with it.



Something like:







<form action="" method="post">
<?php   echo "Zelda has"  .  $zelda  . "Votes";	  ?>
<?php echo  "Mario has "  .  $mario . "Votes"; ?>
<input type="submit" name="mario" value="Vote in Mario!">
<input type="submit" name="zelda" value="Vote in Zelda!">



It doesn't work 'cause the variables keep returning their values to 0 over and over again.


My friend sad i could use sessions to keep it with some value when refreshing the page.


I'm a beginner so i dont have any idea how to solve this.


Oh, i tried using sessions but the page become blank and thats it.



Sorry about anything, i just came to here because i think this forum has more users than all from brazil.





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Do you want to register (and remember) the clicks of all visitors that come to your site, or do you only want to register the clicks that 1 user did?


If you want to register the clicks of all visitors then you need a "place on your server" to save your current values. That can be in a database or in a file on your server.


If you want to register the clicks off 1 user you can use sessions. The session value is stored on the clients computer and is unique for each visitor.

Edited by drunkenMonkey
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Alright i understood. In this case the data wont be individual so forget about sessions right?


Well, i don't want to use database 'cause there aren't stuff to put in it, just a number.


I'll search around the internet how to store the value in a file on my server.


Thank you by guide me in the correct way.

Edited by neptunerain
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Well, i don't want to use database 'cause there aren't stuff to put in it, just a number.


That makes absolutely no sense.


// connection stuff
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Votes`");

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);

$zelda = $row['zelda'];
$mario = $row['mario'];


$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE `Votes` SET `zelda` = '$zelda'");

echo "Voted for zelda successfully!";




$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE `Votes` SET `mario` = '$mario'");

echo "Voted for mario successfully!";


<form action="" method="post">
<?php echo "Zelda has" . $zelda . "Votes";	 ?>
<?php echo "Mario has " . $mario . "Votes"; ?>
<input type="submit" name="mario" value="Vote in Mario!">
<input type="submit" name="zelda" value="Vote in Zelda!">

Edited by SocialCloud
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I dont know if it makes sense because as i sad before i'm from brazil , my english is so bad.



But basically i'm thinking of not using any database to do what i want to do because i just want to store a number and not a large amount of data.



Can you understand me now?


Sorry guys but its my best.

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First off: Don't use single quotes around field names, only string values.


Secondly, this is the proper syntax for adding to a column:

UPDATE `votes` SET `zelda` = `zelda` + 1


Notice that I've used backticks where you've used single quotes. As this is the proper way to escape field names. The backticks are optional, however, unless you're trying to use a reserved word. I prefer to always use them, just to make it 100% certain that I will not have any conflicts with current or future reserved words.

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