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3-dimensional arrays.


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let's just say that this page i'm writing is called 'registry.php'. this page will be more-or-less a template, however contents of this page will vary depending on one variable. the variable is the ID number of a newlywed couple (in the database).

the content of registry.php will contain tables. each table is titled a certain category, each category has items that fall under that category, and each item has attributes. that will always be showen on registry.php, but each newlywed couple has different amounts of different items, and i need to express that if a user happens to click on a certain newlywed couple on the previous page. 'The Smiths' link was clicked, therefore the contents of registry.php will loop through all the items that match their associated ID number.

so, i've got a few things i need to be able to cycle through on command, obviously. i've got a 3-dimensional array that looks something like this...
$category = array($linens, $china, $kitchen, $lighting, etc...etc...etc...);

//example of element inside category
$linens = array($napkins, $towels, $sheets, $drapes, etc...etc...etc...);

//example of element inside linens. these are associative arrays.
$napkins = array("qtyReq" => $cmsVar1, "stillNeed" => $cmsVar2, "price" => $cmsVar3, etc...etc...etc...);
so, my question is, is there anyway to perform the same loop, or nested loops to loop through all of these arrays, but change the content of these arrays by changing one variable? (the unique ID number associated with each newlywed couple)

how would i design the structure of my arrays to allow this to happen? how would i design my MySQL tables in order to call these variables in the right fashion?
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Sounds like you might be in need of Nested Sets. [url=http://www.phpriot.com/d/articles/php/application-design/nested-trees-1/index.html]Here[/url] is about the most comprehensive tutorial I can find, good luck, its pretty full on stuff.
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Mysql tables

category                                                couple
----------                                              ----------
cat_id  ---+                                      +---  couple_id
category    |                                      |    name
            |    subcategory                      |     
            |    ------------                      |     
            |    subcat_id  --+                  |
            |    subcategory  |                  |   
            +--  cat_id        |                  |
                              |    item          |
                              |    ----------    |
                              |    item_id        |
                              |    couple_id  ----+
                              +--- subcat_id
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so, i decided that it would be much better to use a two-dimensional array to handle this situation. i'm going to let the SQL database table that i call in the beginning of 'registry.php' to refer to the correct variables. so here we have 3 pages.
<form method="POST" action="results.php">
Search Word: <input type="text" name="query">
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Search">

//results.php rough draft
//imagine each result is a link. if you click the link,
//it will go to registry.php and a unique ID# will
//be sent as well

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT column1, column2 FROM myTable WHERE column1 LIKE %$query% OR column2 LIKE %$query%") or die (mysql_error());

while(list($column1, $column2)=mysql_fetch_array($sql))
echo "Result: $column1, $column2 <br />";


/* here i will write a function to connect to the correct SQL table using the newlywed's ID# as the locator.*/

$categories = array("Flatware", "China Room", "Crystal Room", "Kitchenware", "Silver, Stainless", "Pewter", "Serverware & Entertaining", "Gourmet", "Lighting", "Smells", "Paper Goods", "Baby & Kids",
"Housekeeping", "Religious", "Holidays", "Bath", "Body & Fragrance", "Luggage & Accessories", "Mens", "Womens", "Jewelry", "Collectibles", "The Wall");

/*unfinished array containing 23 'category' elements, and another 7 array elements within each category element.*/
$twoDarray = array(array(......; 

for($c = 0; $c < count($categories); $c++)
$twoDarray[$c] = $categories[$c];

echo "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH COLSPAN=7>Category: ". $categories[$i] ."</TH></TR>";
echo "<TR><TH>Item</TH><TH>Quantity Requested</TH><TH>Still Needs</TH><TH>Price</TH><TH>View</TH><TH>Quantity</TH><TH>Buy</TH></TR>";

for($i = 0; $i < count($twoDarray[$c]); $i++)
echo "<TR><TD>";
echo $twDarray[$c][$i];
echo "</TD><TD>Add to Cart Button</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE><br /><br />";

this is more of the 'idea' behind what i want to do. what i'm most worried about is registry.php. does anybody see any problems with this code? will this do what i want it to? what do you think, barand?
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One of the reasons for using a database is so you don't have to hard-code array contents like that


$sql = "SELECT c.category, s.subcat_id, s.subcategory
        FROM category c
        INNER JOIN subcategory s ON c.id = s.cat_id
        ORDER BY c.catname, s.subcategory";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

$lastCat = '';
echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>\n";
while (list($cat, $sid, $subcat) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
    if ($lastCat != $cat) {
        echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>$cat</th></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>$subcat</td><td><a href='mypage.php?id=$sid'>Link</a></td></tr>\n";
    $lastCat = $cat;
echo "</table>\n";
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what do you think about this jazz...

@ $db = mysql_connect("host", "registry_DB", "pass");
echo "Error: Could not connect to the database. Please try again later.";

//newlywed's info
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT ". $uID ." FROM my_search_DB WHERE uID") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query($sql);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

echo "<B>Bride and Groom's Name: </B>". $row['brideFname'] ." ". $row['brideLname'] ." & ". $row['groomFname'] ." ". $row['groomLname'] ."<br /><br />";
echo "<B>Event Date: </B>:". $row['event_month'] ."/". $row['event_day'] ."/". $row['event_year'] ."<br /><br />";
echo "<B>Preferred Shipping Address: </B>:". $row['ship_street'] .", ". $row['ship_city'] .", ". $row['ship_state'] .", ". $row['ship_zip'] ."<br /><br />";

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ". $uID ." ORDER BY category") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_query($sql);

$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo "There are no items in the registry for this couple at this time. Please try again later.";  //connect to search_DB to add newlywed's names instead of 'this couple'
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

for($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i == $i) //<-- no increment here. look inside while loop for increment.
echo "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH COLSPAN=7>Category: ". $row['category'] ."</TH></TR>";
echo "<TR><TH>Item</TH><TH>Quantity Requested</TH><TH>Still Needs</TH><TH>Price</TH><TH>View</TH><TH>Quantity</TH><TH>Buy</TH></TR>";

while($row['category'] === $row['category']) //<-- pretty sure this will stop the while loop if it hits a new category.
echo "<TR><TD>". $row['item'] ."</TD><TD>". $row['qty_req'] ."</TD><TD>". $row['still_need'] ."</TD><TD>". $row['price'] ."</TD><TD>". $row['view'] ."</TD><TD>Input Field</TD><TD>Add to Cart</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE><br /><br />";
not bad huh?
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