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Oscommerce: List Of Products, With Links That Open In Bump Box.


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Hi All,

i wonder if anyone can help?


I am using a a verson of the "print price list" contrib, which will "print" a simple list of products when opened.

I use this as an include on other pages on our website where i want a more simple price list.


At present, you can click on the product line, and it links to the product info page to the given product.

What i would like to do is have the product info page open in a bump box / light box style window - so as to give a quick preview of the page. ( it will open a modified simple version of the product infor page - which i have called "product_info_pop.php )


I have attached the ful code. price_list.php.txt


The link parts are:


//if item has attributes
print $model;
print "<td class=\"pricelist\" ><a href=" . tep_href_link( FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO_POP, "products_id=" . $products_price
['products_id']) . ">test 1  ".$products_price['products_name']."</td>";
print "<td class=\"pricelist\" >".$products_attributes['products_options_values_name']."</td>";
print "<td align=\"right\" class=\"pricelist\"> ". $currencies->display_price($products_price['products_price'],
tep_get_tax_rate($products_price['products_tax_class_id'])) ."</td></tr>";

// if item has no attributes
print $model;
print "<td colspan=2 class=\"pricelist\" ><a href=" . tep_href_link( FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO_POP, "products_id=" .
$products_price['products_id']) . ">test 1  ".$products_price['products_name']."</td>";
print "<td align=\"right\" class=\"pricelist\">   ". $currencies->display_price($products_price
['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($products_price['products_tax_class_id'])) ."   each </td></tr>";
} else {
// if SHOW_ATTRIB is false
print $model;
print "<td colspan=2 class=\"pricelist\" ><a href=" . tep_href_link( FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO_POP, "products_id=" .
$products_price['products_id']) . ">test 1  ".$products_price['products_name']."</td>";
print "<td align=\"right\" class=\"pricelist\"> ". $currencies->display_price($products_price['products_price'],
tep_get_tax_rate($products_price['products_tax_class_id'])) ."</td></tr>";



so i thought that i could just pop in the class="bumpbox" in the line like so:

<a href=" . tep_href_link( FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO_POP, "products_id=" .
$products_price['products_id']) . " class="bumpbox">


But no joy. when i try this, it doesnt work at all, and i just get a blank page.


Any one got any thoughts?


i should point out that im php including this on another page that has all the relevent bumpbox stuff on it.

i have tried simply adding target="_blank" to the link too, and i again just get a blank page.


If any one can be of any help, at would be great.



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Escape the quotes around "bumpbox", and it'll work.


For future reference I recommend turning on all error reporting (set the error level to -1), as it'll tell you exactly what's wrong, where and usually why. Note that you should never do this on a production server, not that you should be doing development on a live server in the first place.

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