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Help With Switch Statement


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I am trying to do switch where it changes the name of the post title. I just can't seem to get the format correct. I tired the variable $P also and it doesn't work.

function corepages() {
$pages = get_pages();
global $blog_id;
foreach ($pages as $p) {
if ( file_exists( compat_get_plugin_dir( 'dir' ) . '/icons/' . $p['icon'] ) ) {
$image = compat_get_plugin_url( 'dir' ) . '/icons/' . $p['icon'];
} else {
$image = compat_get_upload_url() . '/images/' . $p['icon'];

if ($p['post_title'] !== "") :
echo('<li><a href="' . get_permalink($p['ID']) . '"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="icon" />' . __($p['post_title']) . '</a></li>'); }
else :
case 'Products Pages':
$p = "Our Products";

case 'Contact Our Company':
$p = "Contact Us";


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Are you getting an error? What exactly is going wrong with the switch? Also, amoungst your cases, try adding a default case so you know if none of your cases are being matched.



$p = "Default Title";

case 'Products Pages':
$p = "Our Products";

Edited by Stooney
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I got it to work but Ihave to hard code each page. I was trying to get something more dynamic to switch the name.

function corepages() {
$pages = get_pages();
global $blog_id;
foreach ($pages as $p) {
 if ( file_exists( compat_get_plugin_dir( 'dir' ) . '/icons/' . $p['icon'] ) ) {
  $image = compat_get_plugin_url( 'dir' ) . '/icons/' . $p['icon'];
 } else {
 $image = compat_get_upload_url() . '/images/' . $p['icon'];

if ($p['post_title'] == "Products Pages") :

 echo ('<li><a href="' . get_permalink($p['ID']) . '"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="icon" />' . 'Our Products' . '</a></li>'); }
 else :
  case 'Contact Our Company':
  echo ('<li><a href="' . get_permalink($p['ID']) . '"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="icon" />' . 'Contact Us' . '</a></li>');
  case 'Our Locations':
  echo ('<li><a href="' . get_permalink($p['ID']) . '"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="icon" />' . 'Locations' . '</a></li>');

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What you did in your first posted code would never work as you've placed your switch() within the else statement, which is conditional on $p['post_title'] not having a value.  So, $p['post_title'] being empty, your switch() will not work (as expected):


if ($p['post_title'] !== "") :
   echo('<li><a href="' . get_permalink($p['ID']) . '"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="icon" />' . __($p['post_title']) . '</a></li>');
else :
   switch($p['post_title']) { //nothing to "switch" as $p['post_title'] does not contain a value; use "default" to handle issues within a switch()
       case 'Products Pages':
       $p = "Our Products";

       case 'Contact Our Company':
       $p = "Contact Us";

       default: 'This is the default title';
       $p = 'Some page';


Edit: And I noticed you're using a triple comparison operator:


if ($p['post_title'] !== "") :


I will assume you know what it does over a double comparison operator, however, if not, please see the following link to get a better understanding: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php


Edit #2: switch() is no different that 'if/else if' in logic.  It is arguably a more readable structure, but that just boils down to personal preference.  So don't go out of your way to get a switch() statement within your code just for the sake of it.


Within a switch, the case is your if/else if, and default is your final else statement/condition.  It's all the same, really.

Edited by mrMarcus
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hanks for the info. I will leave the above as it is. I now realize the similarity of if/else and a switch.

How about this example for a another part of my site. Same type of issue. I am printing a page title and I need to change the name dynamically. All I get is the page name its not changing based on my logic.



$title = the_title();

if ($title == 'Contact Info'):
echo ("Contact Us");

case 'Products Pages':
echo ("Our Products");

case 'Find An Agent':
echo ("Locate an Agent");


Edited by mallen
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All I get is the page name its not changing based on my logic.


I don't understand what you're getting at here.


What is your expected output?  Have you echo'd $title to ensure it holds an expected value?


You're are needlessly combining if/else with switch.


$title = the_title();

switch ($title) {
   case 'Contact Info':
       echo 'Contact Us';
   case 'Products Pages':
       echo 'Our Products';
   case 'Find An Agent':
       echo 'Locate an Agent';
       echo '$title not set';
       // header('Location: /'); // possible redirect if $title not set/is empty

Edited by mrMarcus
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