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header problem ? or whaT


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I have the next problem: On one page I have to show a picture that I take from a web link . That picture have to be resized to a thumbnail but NOT to be stored in to a database, but has to be resized on the fly.
Here is the function that dooes this :
[code]function smanji_sliku($url){

$img = getimagesize($url) or die();

// Checks if URL is image
if ( $img[2] == 1 )
$pic = imagecreatefromgif( $url ) or die();
else if ( $img[2] == 2 )
$pic = imagecreatefromjpeg( $url ) or die();
else if ( $img[2] ==3 )
$pic = imagecreatefrompng( $url ) or die();

// If an image is found and we can determine that it is an image
if ( $pic )
// Get width and height from the image
$width = imagesx( $pic );
$height = imagesy( $pic );

// Width that thumbnail should be

$sirina = 150;

// Calculate the new height
$theight = $sirina * $height / $width;

// Create new image
$thumb = @imagecreatetruecolor ( $sirina, $theight )
or die ("Can't create Image!");

// Resize the image into a thumb
imagecopyresized($thumb, $pic, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$sirina, $theight, $width, $height);

// Change page type to a jpeg
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");

// Create jpeg image from thumbnail



the function works fine but I need to show some text after that picture.. when I try to output text after the image the next error occurs (Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\inet\www\ispis2.php:9) in C:\inet\www\ispis2.php on line 102) .. I think this is some kind of problem with the header (header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");) .... I don't know how to show both an image and some text on the same page .. ? Can that be done with this kind of "on the fly" image resizeing function? or I have to store the picture in a database ?
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thanx for the answers

when I removed the headers it doesn't work at all .. the picture doesnt show .

Can you bee more specific about that use ob_start and ob_endflush .. how to use that ? or any other help would be great
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<img src="image.php?src=image.png&wmax=100&hmax=100" alt="" border="0">

An example of image.php, this makes a png image with the specs provided above(max 100px w and h) :

$i = strrpos($src,".");
if (!$i) { die(); }
$l = strlen($src) - $i;
$filetype = substr($src,$i+1,$l);
if ( $filetype == "png") {
$source = imagecreatefrompng($src);
else if ( $filetype == "jpg") {
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
else if ( $filetype == "jpeg") {
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
else if ( $filetype == "gif") {
$source = imagecreatefromgif($src);
else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
if(!empty($wmax) || !empty($hmax)) {
    if ($orig_w>$wmax || $orig_h>$hmax) {
      if ($thumb_w/$orig_w*$orig_h>$thumb_h)
    else {
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Great man ! but one more question :)

I get the image url that needs to be resized from an array so what should i write in src= ? ... I mean how to implement that php array in that html tag

<img src="image.php?[color=red]src=image.png[/color]&wmax=100&hmax=100" alt="" border="0">

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