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Struggling With Provided Follow Code


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A member of this forum kindly provided code which I was doing wrong. The purpose of the code is to create a 'social network' which enables people to follow other members by inserting their ID number into a database. I was inserting the ID number of the user into the same table as the main user table. However someone pointed out that I suggest use a seperate table and insert the ID number of both users into the table.


The problem is I cant get the code to work. I can echo the id but this only comes from the first line of code. Nothing else seems to work. I have tried manually inserting one of the id's to see if they would help.


I am trying to insert id 354 as the follower of 350. Any suggestions what I can try please?



$id = $_SESSION['userID'];
if (($_GET['do'] == 'follow') && !empty($_GET['id'])) {
 // check if user is logged in
 if (($_SESSION['auth']) && !empty($_SESSION['current_user_id'])) { // whatever your $_SESSION variable is for logged in users
		 if ($_SESSION['current_user_id'] == $_GET['current_user_id']) {
				 // other checks here to determine various ID's are numeric, etc.
				 $sql = "INSERT INTO `follow` (`user_id`, `follow_user_id`) VALUES (". (int)$_SESSION['current_user_id'] .", ". (int)$_GET['id'] .")";
				 if (!mysql_query($sql)) {
						 if (mysql_errno($link_identifier) == 1062) { //$link_identifier is necessary to avoid conflicting
error notices due to multiple openning/closing SQL connections
								 // duplicate attempt to follow
								 // handle accordingly
<div class="forminputcell">
 <div class="datainput">
		 <div class="forminputleft">
		 <div class="followbutton">
				 <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?do=follow&id=354"><img src="/images/follow.png" class="submit-button"/></a>
<?php echo $id; ?> <br>
<?php echo $current_user_id; ?> <br>


Edited by justlukeyou
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$id = $_SESSION['userID'];
if (($_GET['do'] == 'follow') && !empty($_GET['id'])){
if(($_SESSION['auth']) && !empty($_SESSION['current_user_id'])){
 if ($_SESSION['current_user_id'] == $_GET['current_user_id']){
  $you = intval($_SESSION['current_user_id']);
  $them = intval($_GET['id']);
  $sql = "INSERT INTO `follow` (`user_id`, `follow_user_id`) VALUES ('$you', '$them')";
  if (!mysql_query($sql)){
   if (mysql_errno($link_identifier) == 1062) {
 /* Why is this even here? */

Your problem was you didn't have your variables escaped with ' '. so you were saying VALUES(code,code) not VALUES('code','code');

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The two values are integers, not strings, and they don't need to be enclosed by single-quotes in the query. That actually just makes mysql work harder because numbers enclosed by single-quotes are first converted to floating point numbers.

Edited by PFMaBiSmAd
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I changed it to this and it now inserts the current_user_id into the database. However Im struggling to understand how I can seperate out the two different id numbers.


If I click on the profile of 350 I have the ID 350. But how do I seperate that from ID 355? Whatever I do have the ID showing as 355 if I am logged is as 355.


 $id = $_SESSION['userID'];
 $user_id = $_SESSION['userID'];
 $current_user_id = $_SESSION['userID'];
if (($_GET['do'] !== 'follow') || (int)$_GET['id']) {
// just send away

		    if ($_SESSION['current_user_id'] == $_GET['current_user_id']) {
				    // other checks here to determine various ID's are numeric, etc.
				    $sql = "INSERT INTO `follow` (`user_id`, `follow_user_id`) VALUES (". (int)$_SESSION['current_user_id'] .", ". (int)$_GET['id'] .")";
				    if (!mysql_query($sql)) {
						    if (mysql_errno($link_identifier) == 1062) { //$link_identifier is necessary to avoid conflicting error notices due to multiple openning/closing SQL connections
								    // duplicate attempt to follow
								    // handle accordingly

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