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Undefined Class


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I am a complete beginner to php programming and I need to learn it fast as I am not a youngster anymore. I have a book called php and mysql and I am working through it.


Creating static member variables I get an error Undefined class constant 'totalDonated'


The variable totalDonated is in fact defined in the class definition and here is the code:


class Donation


private $name;

private $amount;


static $totalDonated = 0;

static $numberOfDonors = 0;


function info()


$share = 100 * $this->amount / Donation::$totalDonated;

return "{$this->name} donated {$this->amount} ({$share}%)";



function __construct($nameOfDonor, $donation)


$this->name = $nameOfDonor;

$this->amount = $donation;


Donation::$totalDonated = Donation::$totalDonated + $donation;




function __destruct()


Donation::$totalDonated = Donation::$totalDonated - $donation;






and here is the code to make use of the class:



include "include/donation.inc";


$donors = array(

new Donation("Nicholas", 85),

new Donation("Thomas", 55),

new Donation("James", 78),

new Donation("Jeff", 123),

new Donation("Sarah", 444)



foreach($donors as $donor)

print $donor->info() . "<br";


$total = Donation::totalDonated;

$count = Donation::numberOfDonors;

print "Total donations = {$total}<br>";

print "Number of donors = {$count}<br>";



So it makes no sense at all why I would get this error. Please if someone can help so I can learn this language as fast as possible.


Much appreciated.

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There are some error I noticed


$total = Donation::totalDonated;
$count = Donation::numberOfDonors;


Must be


$total = Donation::$totalDonated; //static variables
$count = Donation::$numberOfDonors; //static variables


Second In Destructor


Donation::$totalDonated = Donation::$totalDonated - $donation;
//$donation is not a class property !
Donation::$numberOfDonars--;    //variable name is wrong it must be "numberOfDonors" NOT numberOfDonars...check for "a"


You fix these thing I think your code will work for sure.

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Hi vipsa, please use code tags when posting code, and give us the full error message, including line number (with a pointer in the code, if you can, to that line).


Incidently, while inside the class, you should use self:: rather than Donation:: unless you've got a reason not to. (I think your book may be a bit dated, i.e. for PHP4) throw a "public" in front of the static as well (it's not needed, but php5 only allows for omitiion for legacy compatability)

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@priti: I did what you said but I don't understand what you mean by

Donation::$totalDonated = Donation::$totalDonated - $donation;

//$donation is not a class property ! (this line)

and after removing the destruct function it works but only prints one donor instead of 5. Am I missing something?


@Muddy_Funster: I will make sure to give more detail and full error description plus put the code inside code tags. I am new at this but I learn fast thx.


The book I have says for php5 but I also think it is a bit outdated. Can you recommend a good book? Also is there a website where I can find examples of php projects so I can practise creating them?


Thank you for the help.

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