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Image upload help!


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Ok i have a class that uploads files, but i also would like it to submit without files being uploaded, the file only submits if a file has been uploaded, i want users to have the option not to upload if they didn't need to here is my code class


class Photograph{

public $id;
public $filename;
public $type;
public $size;
public $content;
public $caption;
public $category_id;
public $admin_id;
public $created;
private $temp_path;
protected $upload_dir = "images";
public $errors = array();
protected $upload_errors = array(
UPLOAD_ERR_OK => "NO errors",
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "Larger than upload_max_filesize",
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "Partal upload",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "No file",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => "No temporary directory",
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => "Can't write to disk",
UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "File upload stopped by extension",
//passes in $_FILE(['uploaded_file']) as an argument!
 public function attach_file($file="") {
 // Perform error checking on the form parameters
 if(!$file || empty($file) || !is_array($file)) {
   // error: nothing uploaded or wrong argument usage
   $this->errors[] = "No file was uploaded.";
   return false;
 } elseif($file['error'] != 0) {
   // error: report what PHP says went wrong
   $this->errors[] = $this->upload_errors[$file['error']];
   return false;
 } else {
  // Set object attributes to the form parameters.
   $this->temp_path  = $file['tmp_name'];
   $this->filename   = basename($file['name']);
   $this->type	   = $file['type'];
   $this->size	   = $file['size'];
  // Don't worry about saving anything to the database yet.
  return true;

public function getcontent(){
strlen($this->content) > 10;

 public function save() {
 // A new record won't have an id yet.
 if(isset($this->id)) {
  // Really just to update the caption
 } else {
  // Make sure there are no errors

  // Can't save if there are pre-existing errors
   if(!empty($this->errors)) { return false; }

  // Make sure the caption is not too long for the DB
   if(strlen($this->caption) > 255) {
   $this->errors[] = "The caption can only be 255 characters long.";
   return false;

   if(empty($this->caption)) {
   $this->errors[] = "please add a caption.";
   return false;

   // Can't save without filename and temp location
   if(empty($this->filename) || empty($this->temp_path)) {
  $this->errors[] = "The file location was not available.";
  return false;

  // Determine the target_path
   $target_path = "/home/designanddev.co.uk/public_html/blog/".$this->upload_dir."/".$this->filename;

   // Make sure a file doesn't already exist in the target location
   if(file_exists($target_path)) {
  $this->errors[] = "The file {$this->filename} already exists.";
  return false;

  // Attempt to move the file
  if(move_uploaded_file($this->temp_path, $target_path)) {
 // Success
   // Save a corresponding entry to the database
   if($this->create()) {
 // We are done with temp_path, the file isn't there anymore
 return true;
  } else {
   // File was not moved.
  $this->errors[] = "The file upload failed, possibly due to incorrect permissions on the upload folder.";
  return false;

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You know, this is quite basic stuff. So it would seem that you might want to spend a little bit more time studying the basics of PHP, as well as planning (with pen an paper) how you want your code to work. Doing so will make things a lot cleared for you, and save you a lot of time in the long run.


As for the example:

// Only create uploader object if a file has been uploaded.
if (!empty ($_FILES['photo']['name'])) {
   $uploader = new Photograph ();

   // Code to handle the upload.

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You know, this is quite basic stuff. So it would seem that you might want to spend a little bit more time studying the basics of PHP, as well as planning (with pen an paper) how you want your code to work. Doing so will make things a lot cleared for you, and save you a lot of time in the long run.


As for the example:

// Only create uploader object if a file has been uploaded.
if (!empty ($_FILES['photo']['name'])) {
$uploader = new Photograph ();

// Code to handle the upload.


Thanks a lot, will work on it

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