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An Other picture with form2


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hi all

i have this code where i am tiring to upload a photo to a server directory and insert the photo name in to database field so far all my tries has failed horribly..

the table field name memphoto and the file location will be /localhost/pictures/

i am passing the code i generated in dreamweaver sc6 (sory too much html involverd) ihope if any one can fix it and explain what was wrong with my code.

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The only things I can tell from this thread are - you managed to find the Php Coding Help section and you are most likely a real person. A large percentage of first posts that are in a non-main sub-forum section are by spammers/bot scripts as a test, and they never post again.


Without (any) readable, formatted code, and an actual programming question about it or an error or a specific symptom you got when you run your code, there's nothing we can do to help you. So far all you have stated is what you want and that you expect a help forum will fix your code for you.

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