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Need Help with Basic Site Search


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Hi, I'm new to this site. I'm having problems with the basic search on my site is too specific.. Meaning it's too exact with word order and phrases.


For example, if I search Shoes Red it won't show results for Red Shoes.


If you search for Red Shoe Laces it won't show results for Red Laces (as the word shoe throws off this order). Below is the code that I believe the search box is using. Can anyone tell me how to "loosen" up this search so it's either more broad or so exact word order isn't necessary?


This is the current code:


case 'search':

if (intval($filter) != 0) {

$filter = JString::strtolower($filter);

$id = intval($filter);

$search .= $temp."(a.id = $id OR LOWER(a.ad_headline) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%' OR LOWER(a.ad_text) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%')";

} else {

$filter = JString::strtolower($filter);

$search .= $temp."(LOWER(a.ad_headline) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%' OR LOWER(a.ad_text) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%')";






return $search;




Any ideas here?

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If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, what you get from getEscaped() is the search. So explode the string into multiple parts and create a separate LIKE statement for each word in the search.


Something like will get you close. I would echo out the entire string at the end to see what it reads like and make sure that it's built correctly.


$escaped = $this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true);
$parts = explode(' ', $escaped); // Array of words
foreach ( $parts as $part )
$search .= " LOWER(a.ad_headline) LIKE '%{$part}%' OR LOWER(a.ad_text) LIKE '%{$part}%'";


I'll also point out there you're running some code multiple times. I would abstract it out into variables.


intval($filter) is being called twice.

$filter = JString::strtolower($filter); is also being called twice.

LOWER(a.ad_headline) is being referenced twice.

$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true) is being called FOUR times.

And more than half your $search query is exactly the same.


I can't see the rest of your switch, so I'm not 100% if it makes sense to pull them out, but I have a feeling it might.


Are you working in Joomla? I tried to find what the getEscaped() function does and all I could find was Joomla documentation. As an FYI, there is a separate lobby for PHP Applications if you ever run into anything Joomla specific.

Edited by charlieholder
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Hi, this code, it brought my site down, so had to take it back out.. Was this code you sent me correct? For example, is this literal: foreach ( $parts as $part )?


Perhaps I'm confused alsol because the order seems transversed or transposed from the code I pasted initially, so the order is wrong and I may be adding it in the wrong spot. Is this code right below correct and can you tell which code in my first post I should replace this code with? I'm not sure if I'm taking out too much of my original code or not enough, or if I should just add this statement to my original code?


$escaped = $this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true);

$parts = explode(' ', $escaped); // Array of words

foreach ( $parts as $part )


$search .= " LOWER(a.ad_headline) LIKE '%{$part}%' OR LOWER(a.ad_text) LIKE '%{$part}%'";


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Was this code you sent me correct?


Apologies for not being more clear. When I said "Something like this will get you close" I was providing you with some pseudo code. I did not take time to load up a database with some sample data and write the code for you.


Was this code you sent me correct? For example, is this literal: foreach ( $parts as $part )?


Are you asking if that's how a foreach loop is structured?


Did you "echo out the entire string at the end to see what it reads like and make sure that it's built correctly" before just adding the code and running it?


What does the query look like? What are you wanting it to look like? What exactly looks out of order?

Edited by charlieholder
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Hi, my coding skills are very basic, so I'm still a little unfamilar with a lot of the terminology. I guess I was hoping for someone can tell me the exact line(s) I need to change and how. I'm just copying and pasting the entire file this search code is in. Perhaps the query that you need is there? Basically is someone searches Red Shoes, I also want them to be able to pull up Red Nike Shoes. Or reverse order to, like Shoes Red. Right now it has to be "exact" match only, so the word order has to be exact.


Here is the full file:




* @package AdsManager

* @copyright Copyright © 2010-2011 JoomPROD.com. All rights reserved.

* @license GNU/GPL



// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!

defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );






* @package Joomla

* @subpackage Contact


class AdsmanagerModelContent extends JModel


function getContent($contentid,$onlyPublished = true) {

$sql = "SELECT a.*, p.name as parent, p.id as parentid, c.name as cat, c.id as catid,u.username as user,u.name as fullname ".

" FROM #__adsmanager_ads as a ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_adcat as adcat ON adcat.adid = a.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON a.userid = u.id ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as c ON adcat.catid = c.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as p ON c.parent = p.id ";


$sql .= " WHERE a.id = ".(int)$contentid;


if ($onlyPublished == true)

$sql .= " AND c.published = 1 ";


if (function_exists("updateQuery")) {





$contents = $this->_db->loadObjectList();


if (count($contents) > 0) {

$content = $contents[0];

$content->cats = array();

$content->catsid = array();

foreach($contents as $key => $c) {

$cat->parentid = $c->parentid;

$cat->parent = $c->parent;

$cat->cat = $c->cat;

$cat->catid = $c->catid;

$content->cats[] = $cat;

$content->catsid[] = $c->catid;


return $content;



return null;



function _recurseSearch ($rows,&$list,$catid){



foreach($rows as $row) {

if ($row->parent == $catid)


$list[]= $row->id;







function _getSQLFilter($filters){

/* Filters */

$search = "";

if (isset($filters))


foreach($filters as $key => $filter)


if ($search == "")

$temp = " WHERE ";


$temp = " AND ";



case 'category':

$catid = $filter;

$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT c.id, c.name,c.parent ".

" FROM #__adsmanager_categories as c ".

"WHERE c.published = 1 ORDER BY c.parent,c.ordering");


$listcats = $this->_db->loadObjectList();

$list[] = $catid;


$listids = implode(',', $list);

$search .= $temp."c.id IN ($listids) ";break;

case 'user':

$search .= $temp."u.id = ".(int)$filter;break;

case 'username':

$search .= $temp."u.username LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%'";break;

case 'publish':

$search .= $temp."a.published = ".(int)$filter;break;

case 'fields':

$search .= $temp.$filter;break;

case 'search':

if (intval($filter) != 0) {

$filter = JString::strtolower($filter);

$id = intval($filter);

$search .= $temp."(a.id = $id OR LOWER(a.ad_headline) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%' OR LOWER(a.ad_text) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%')";

} else {

$filter = JString::strtolower($filter);

$search .= $temp."(LOWER(a.ad_headline) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%' OR LOWER(a.ad_text) LIKE '%".$this->_db->getEscaped($filter,true)."%')";






return $search;



function getContents($filters = null,$limitstart=null,$limit=null,$filter_order=null,$filter_order_Dir=null,$admin=0)


$sql = "SELECT a.*, p.name as parent, p.id as parentid, c.name as cat, c.id as catid,u.username as user,u.name as fullname ".

" FROM #__adsmanager_ads as a ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_adcat as adcat ON adcat.adid = a.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON a.userid = u.id ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as c ON adcat.catid = c.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as p ON c.parent = p.id ";


$sql .= $this->_getSQLFilter($filters);


$sql .= " GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY $filter_order $filter_order_Dir ";


if (($admin == 0)&&(function_exists("updateQueryWithReorder")))




$products = $this->_db->loadObjectList();


return $products;



function getNbContents($filters = null)


$sql = "SELECT a.id ".

" FROM #__adsmanager_ads as a ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_adcat as adcat ON adcat.adid = a.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON a.userid = u.id ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as c ON adcat.catid = c.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as p ON c.parent = p.id ";


/* Filters */

$sql .= $this->_getSQLFilter($filters);


$sql .= " GROUP BY a.id";




$result = $this->_db->loadObjectList();

$nb = count($result);

return $nb;



function increaseHits($contentid)


$sql = "UPDATE #__adsmanager_ads SET views = LAST_INSERT_ID(views+1) WHERE id = ".(int)$contentid;





function getLatestContents($nbcontents,$sort_type=0,$catselect="no")




/* Popular */

case 2:

$order_sql = "ORDER BY a.views DESC,a.date_created DESC ,a.id DESC ";



/* Random */

case 1:

$order_sql = "ORDER BY RAND() ";



/* Latest */

case 0:


$order_sql = "ORDER BY a.date_created DESC ,a.id DESC ";




$cat_query = "";



case "no";



case "-1":

$catid = JRequest::getInt('catid', 0 );

$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT c.id, c.name,c.parent ".

" FROM #__adsmanager_categories as c ".

" WHERE c.published = 1 ORDER BY c.parent,c.ordering");

$listcats = $this->_db->loadObjectList();


$list = array();

$list[] = $catid;


$listids = implode(',', $list);

if (($catid != 0)&&($catid != -1))


$cat_query = "adcat.catid IN ($listids) AND ";




$cat_query = "adcat.catid = $catselect AND ";




$sql = " SELECT a.*,p.id as parentid,p.name as parent,c.id as catid, c.name as cat,u.username as user ".

" FROM #__adsmanager_ads as a ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_adcat as adcat ON adcat.adid = a.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON a.userid = u.id ".

" INNER JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as c ON adcat.catid = c.id ".

" LEFT JOIN #__adsmanager_categories as p ON c.parent = p.id ".

" WHERE $cat_query c.published = 1 and a.published = 1 GROUP BY a.id $order_sql LIMIT 0, $nbcontents";


if (function_exists("updateQuery"))





$contents = $this->_db->loadObjectList();

return $contents;



function getNbContentsOfUser($userid) {

$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM #__adsmanager_ads as a WHERE a.userid =".(int)$userid );

$nb = $this->_db-> loadResult();

return $nb;



function renewContent($contentid,$ad_duration)


$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT expiration_date FROM #__adsmanager_ads WHERE id = ".(int)$contentid);

$expiration_date = $this->_db->loadResult();

$time = strtotime($expiration_date);

if ($time < time())


$time = time();


$time = $time + ( $ad_duration * 3600 *24);

$newdate = date("Y-m-d",$time);


$this->_db->setQuery( "UPDATE #__adsmanager_ads SET expiration_date = '$newdate', date_created = CURDATE(),recall_mail_sent=0,published=1 WHERE id=".(int)$contentid." and recall_mail_sent = 1");




function sendExpirationEmail($content,$itemid,$conf)


if ($content->email) {

$baseurl = JURI::base();

$link = JRoute::_($baseurl."/index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=expiration&id=".$content->id."&Itemid=".$itemid);

$body = $conf->recall_text;

$body .= sprintf(JText::_('ADSMANAGER_EXPIRATION_MAIL_BODY'),$content->ad_headline,$conf->recall_time,$link,$link);


$config = &JFactory::getConfig();

$from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');

$fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');

$sitename = $config->getValue('sitename');


// Send the e-mail to Administrator

if (!JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $content->email, $sitename." / ".JText::_('ADSMANAGER_EXPIRATION_MAIL'),$body,1))



return false;





function manage_expiration($itemid,$plugins,$conf)


if ($conf->expiration == 1)


if ($conf->recall == 1)


$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id,email,ad_headline FROM #__adsmanager_ads WHERE DATE_SUB(expiration_date, INTERVAL ".$conf->recall_time." DAY) < CURDATE() AND recall_mail_sent = 0 AND published = 1");

$contents = $this->_db->loadObjectList();


if (isset($contents))


foreach($contents as $content)





$this->_db->setQuery( "UPDATE #__adsmanager_ads SET recall_mail_sent = 1 WHERE DATE_SUB(expiration_date, INTERVAL ".$conf->recall_time." DAY) < CURDATE() AND recall_mail_sent = 0");



$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id FROM #__adsmanager_ads WHERE recall_mail_sent = 1 AND expiration_date < CURDATE()");

$idsarray = $this->_db->loadResultArray();




$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id FROM #__adsmanager_ads WHERE expiration_date < CURDATE()");

$idsarray = $this->_db->loadResultArray();



if (isset($idsarray) && count($idsarray) > 0) {

foreach($idsarray as $id)


switch($conf->after_expiration) {



case "delete":

$content =& JTable::getInstance('contents', 'AdsmanagerTable');




case "unpublish":

$this->_db->setQuery( "UPDATE #__adsmanager_ads SET published=0,recall_mail_sent = 0 WHERE id = $id");




case "archive":

$this->_db->setQuery( "UPDATE #__adsmanager_ads SET published=0,recall_mail_sent = 0 WHERE id = $id");



$this->_db->setQuery( "DELETE FROM #__adsmanager_adcat WHERE adid =$id");



$this->_db->setQuery( "INSERT INTO #__adsmanager_adcat (adid,catid) VALUES ($id,$conf->archive_catid)");







$last_cron_date = date("Ymd");

$Fnm = JPATH_BASE .'/components/com_adsmanager/cron.php';

jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' );

$content = '<?php $last_cron_date='.$last_cron_date.';?>';

JFile::write( $Fnm, $content );



function getListOrder($order,&$filter_order,&$filter_order_Dir)


if ($order != 0)


$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT f.name,f.sort_direction,f.type FROM #__adsmanager_fields AS f WHERE f.fieldid=".(int)$order." AND f.published = 1" );

$sort = $this->_db->loadObject();

if (($sort->type == "number")||($sort->type == "price")) {

$filter_order = "a.".$sort->name." * 1";

$filter_order_Dir= $sort->sort_direction;


else {

$filter_order = "a.".$sort->name;

$filter_order_Dir= $sort->sort_direction; $filter_order_Dir= "ASC ,a.id DESC ";





$filter_order = "a.date_created DESC ,a.id ";

$filter_order_Dir= "DESC";





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