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fenway. Here is the solution I came up with. First I take all of te records that meet the criteria and insert them into them into a temp table. Then I do a count of how many times the LcationID appears and compare that against the number options that were selected. Then I run the query with those that equal the number of selected options. See what you think.


<form method="post" name="Critters" id="Critters">
   <p align="center">
  <select name>
    <select name>
   <p align="center">

  <select name="criteria[]" multiple="multiple">
   ///////With Numbers/////
   //$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT DetailType AS type, DetailID, DetailName FROM tblDetails
   //ORDER BY DetailType, DetailName";
   //		 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
   //   $prev='';
   //   while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   //   if ($prev != $row['type']) {
   //    if ($prev) echo "</optgroup>";
   //    echo "<optgroup label='{$row['type']}'>";
   //    $prev = $row['type'];
   //    }
   //    echo "<option value='".$row['DetailID']."'>".$row['DetailName']."</option>";		   //    }
   //    echo "</optgroup>";
   //Without Numbers/////
   //This builds the dropdown based on City, Area, and Cuisiner for the results_city.php file
   $sql = "SELECT DetailType AS type, DetailID, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT DetailName
   ORDER BY DetailName ASC 
   SEPARATOR '|') AS DetailName FROM tblDetails GROUP BY DetailType";
   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
   echo "<optgroup label='{$row['type']}'>";
   $DetailNames = explode('|', $row['DetailName']);
   foreach($DetailNames as $DetailName)
	 echo "<option value='".$DetailName."'>".$DetailName."</option>";
   echo "</optgroup>";
 <p align="center"><input type="submit" name="btnSearch" id="btnSearch"
  value="		  SEARCH		  "></p>

 //This is for the button///////////////////////////////////
 if (isset ( $_POST ["btnSearch"] )) {
 echo "<br>Selected Options are :<br>";
 $checked = $_POST ["criteria"];

 $criteria = "";
 $separator = ", ";
 for($i = 0; $i < count ( $checked ); $i ++) {
 echo " " . $checked [$i] . "<br/>";

 if ($i == count ( $checked ) - 1) {
  $separator = "";
 $criteria = $criteria . "'" . $checked [$i] . "'" . $separator;
 //This gives a count of the number of options that have been selected////////////////////////
 $nchecked = count($checked);
 echo("<p>$nchecked filter(s) HEROselected:<br>");
 for($i=0; $i < $nchecked; $i++)
 echo($checked[$i] . "<br/>");
 //END COUNT////////////////////////////////////
 echo "<br><br>";
 echo $criteria . "<br><br>";
 include "config.php"; 
 $mysqlQuery = "INSERT into tblTemp (LocationID,DetailID,DetailName)
 SELECT tblLocDet.LocationID, tblLocDet.DetailID, tblDetails.DetailName
 FROM tblLocDet
 INNER JOIN tblDetails ON tblLocDet.DetailID = tblDetails.DetailID
 WHERE tblDetails.DetailName IN (" . $criteria . ");";

 $mysqlQuery2 = "SELECT tblTemp.LocationID, tblRestaurants.RestName,
  CONCAT(tblLocations.StreetNumber,'  ', tblLocations.Street) AS Address, tblLocations.Phone, 
  tblLocations.Price, tblLocations.Rating
  FROM (tblRestaurants INNER JOIN tblLocations ON tblRestaurants.RestID = tblLocations.RestID)
  INNER JOIN tblTemp ON tblLocations.LocationID = tblTemp.LocationID
  GROUP BY tblTemp.LocationID
  HAVING Count(tblTemp.LocationID) = '$nchecked'
  ORDER BY tblRestaurants.RestName";
 //$mysqlQuery2 = ("SELECT tblTemp.LocationID, Count(tblTemp.LocationID) AS CountOfLocationID
 //  FROM tblTemp
 //   GROUP BY tblTemp.LocationID
 //   HAVING Count(tblTemp.LocationID) = '$nchecked'");

 if (! $rs = mysql_query ( $mysqlQuery2 )) {
  echo "Cannot parse query";
  } elseif (mysql_num_rows ( $rs ) == 0) {
   echo "No records found";
 } else {
 echo (mysql_error());
  echo "<table id=\"myTable\" table width=\"710\" class=\"beautifuldata\" align=\"Left\"
  echo "<thead>\n<tr>";
  echo "<th>PLACE</th>";
  echo "<th>ADDRESS</th>";
  echo "<th>PHONE</th>";
  echo "<th>PRICE</th>";
  echo "<th>RATING</th>";
  echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n";
  while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $rs ) ) {
  <td><strong><a href='$row[RestPage]'>$row[RestName]</a></strong></td>
  echo "</table><br />\n";
  $mysqlQuery3 = "DELETE FROM tblTemp";
  mysql_close ();

//This builds the dropdown based on City, Area, and Cuisiner for the results_city.php file

$sql = "SELECT DetailType AS type, DetailID, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT DetailName


SEPARATOR '|') AS DetailName FROM tblDetails GROUP BY DetailType";

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){




echo "<optgroup label='{$row['type']}'>";

$DetailNames = explode('|', $row['DetailName']);

foreach($DetailNames as $DetailName)


echo "<option value='".$DetailName."'>".$DetailName."</option>";


echo "</optgroup>";




You posted that bit of code in the forum as it did not work correctly (no detail id in the options). I gave you an improved version. Now that one is back in there.


Why do I get the distinct feeling that our time is being wasted?

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