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PHP wildcard symbol in array


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what is the PHP wildcard character in an array



<?php $banned = array('User:%','User_talk:%');

$allowed = array('edit','history');

if (in_array($_GET['title'], $banned)) {

// do this


else {

// do nothing





the title's from $_GET look like this:








i have tried using the following symbols:

<?php $banned = array('User:$','User_talk:$');

<?php $banned = array('User:%','User_talk:%');

<?php $banned = array('User:*','User_talk:*');


none seem to be working

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thank you psycho, i added the following line to the code, to assign the * character as a wildcard




$one = $_REQUEST["term"] . "*";

$banned = array('User:%','User_talk:%');

$allowed = array('edit','history');

if (in_array($_GET['title'], $banned)) {

// do this


else {

// do nothing





and it is still not picking up on any of the User: in the array :confused:



and it is still not pickin

Edited by james909
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so know i am trying the preg_grep like so:


<?php $banned = array('User:%','User_talk:%');

$banneduser = preg_grep("/User(\w+)/", $_GET);

if (in_array($_GET['title'], $banned)) {

// do this


else {

if (in_array($_GET['title'], $banneduser)) {

// do this


else {

// do nothing




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You can't use in_array at all.  That function does not support any sort of wildcard matching.  What you need to do is use a foreach loop on the array to test each element individually using something like preg_match.  Then you can wrap that code into your own function for easy re-use.  Such as:

function fuzzy_in_array($regex, $array){
   foreach ($array as $item){
      if (preg_match($regex, $item)){
         return true;
   return false;


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thank you for your reply kicken,


i dont use php programming very often and cant see me using it much in the future it is just to do this one task of getting the facebook comments box to appear on some of my website pages and not other.


so i changed the coding using kickens advise, and this is what i made:


$banned = array('Main_Page','Community_portal','Current_events','Special:RecentChanges','Help:Contents');

function user_check($regex, $array){
foreach ($array as $item){
 if (preg_grep("/User(\w+)/", $item)){
	 return true;
return false;

if (in_array($_GET['title'], $banned)) {
// do this nothing
else {
if ( user_check == false ) {
// load facebook comment box


now, no page is loading the facebook comment box, so i am assuming my preg_grep coding or checking if the function is true or false coding is in-correct?

Edited by james909
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