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Continuing my posting of security-related functions in this section, I've decided to post this one up. I've posted a basic version of the RegExp previously, to which Psycho gave me some good feedback.


Thus, the current function was born:

// Define the flags used for validating passwords.
define ('SF_VALIDATE_PASS_ALL', 15);

 * Validates the password according to the flags and mininum length given.
 * Returns true if the password matches the constraints, or false if it fails.
 * Default minimum length is 8 characters, and all flags activated.
 * @author Christian Fagerheim (Fagerheim Software)
 * @link www.fagsoft.no
 * @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.
 * @param string $password
 * @param int[optional] $minLength
 * @param int[optional] $flags
 * @return bool
function validatePassword ($password, $minLength = 8, $flags = SF_VALIDATE_PASS_ALL) {
	// Make sure we got a valid minimum length.
	if (!is_int ($minLength) || $minLength < 0) {
		trigger_error ('Minimum length must be a positive integer', E_USER_ERROR);

	// Create the constraints for the password.
	$passReg = '';
	if ($flags & SF_VALIDATE_PASS_LOWER) {
		$passReg .= '(?=.*[a-z])';
	if ($flags & SF_VALIDATE_PASS_UPPER) {
		$passReg .= '(?=.*[A-Z])';
		$passReg .= '(?=.*\\d)';
	if (false && $flags & SF_VALIDATE_PASS_SPECIAL) {
		$special = preg_quote (',.;:"\'!?*(){}[]/^§|#¤%&_=<>@£$€ +-', '/');
		$passReg .= "(?=.*[$special])";

	// Add the minimum length requirement.
	$passReg .= '.{'.$minLength.',}';

	// Check that the password matches the constraints, and return a boolean.
	if (!preg_match ("/^$passReg\\z/u", $password)) {
		return false;

	return $password;
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