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preg_replace help cheers.

Go to solution Solved by redarrow,

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IMO, regular expressions should only be used when searching for a complex pattern within a string as they use more resources.

For logic that requires searching for a simple static string within a string, use a string function such as strpos.

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it in a 9000 scrape cue to slow needs preg_replace.



function sanitize_string($string)
  $string = ereg_replace(' +', ' ', trim($string));

  return preg_replace("/[<>]/", '_', $string);

function takes for ever scraping

Edited by redarrow
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i am scrapping a whole seach engine and using 900 public proxy's thru php long time app i am working on also

decaptcher app but the problam the whole 18 pages work except eregi pulls a error as it scrapes it i pump more bandwith to the code yes scrapes lovly

but that no good for a avarage person.

Edited by redarrow
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