kjetterman Posted March 15, 2013 Share Posted March 15, 2013 Hello!I am working on a project where I need to target specific browsers with specific information on the web page (it's a browser checker page of sorts). Anyway, I found the script by Rafael Lima for the CSS Browser Selector. The script works great! However, I would like to target Windows XP OS specifically. I know that I can target Windows specifically or even Vista in the script. So, i'm trying to add XP without much success. I highlighted (read: bolded) where I added the addition of Windows XP. I would *think* that I could then just simply use .xp or .winxp in my css file to target that OS. Here is the script: /* CSS Browser Selector v0.4.5 (Jan 21, 2012) -- original -- Rafael Lima (http://rafael.adm.br) http://rafael.adm.br/css_browser_selector License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ Contributors: http://rafael.adm.br/css_browser_selector#contributors -- /original -- Fork project: http://code.google.com/p/css-browser-selector/ Song Hyo-Jin (shj at xenosi.de) */ function css_browser_selector(u) { var ua = u.toLowerCase(), is = function (t) { return ua.indexOf(t) > -1 }, g = 'gecko', w = 'webkit', s = 'safari', c = 'chrome', o = 'opera', m = 'mobile', r = window.devicePixelRatio ? (window.devicePixelRatio + '').replace('.', '_') : '1'; return [ /* IE */ (!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua)) && /msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua) && (v = RegExp.$1 * 1)) ? ('ie ie' + v + ((v == 6 || v == 7) ? ' ie67 ie678 ie6789' : (v == ? ' ie678 ie6789' : (v == 9) ? ' ie6789 ie9m' : (v > 9 ) ? ' ie9m' : '')) : /* FF */ (/firefox\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/.test(ua) && (re = RegExp)) ? g + ' ff ff' + re.$1 + ' ff' + re.$1 + '_' + re.$2 : is('gecko/') ? g : /* Opera */ is('opera') ? o + (/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$1 : (/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 : '')) : /* K */ is('konqueror') ? 'konqueror' : /* Black Berry */ is('blackberry') ? m + ' blackberry' : /* Android */ is('android') ? m + ' android' : /* Chrome */ is(c) ? w + ' ' + c : is('crios') ? w + ' ' + c : /* Iron */ is('iron') ? w + ' iron' : /* Safari */ is('applewebkit/') ? w + ' ' + s + (/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + s + RegExp.$1 : '') : /* Mozilla */ is('mozilla/') ? g : '', /* Machine */ is('j2me') ? m + ' j2me' : is('iphone') ? m + ' iphone' : is('ipod') ? m + ' ipod' : is('ipad') ? m + ' ipad' : is('mac') ? 'mac' : is('darwin') ? 'mac' : is('webtv') ? 'webtv' : is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 6.0') ? ' vista' : '') : is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 5.1') ? ' xp' : '') : is('freebsd') ? 'freebsd' : (is('x11') || is('linux')) ? 'linux' : '', /* Ratio (Retina) */ (r != '1') ? ' retina ratio' + r : '', 'js portrait'].join(' '); }; (function(d, w) { var _c = css_browser_selector(navigator.userAgent); var h = d.documentElement; h.className += ' ' + _c; var _d = _c.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '').split(/ +/); w.CSSBS = 1; for(var i = 0; i < _d.length; i ++) { w['CSSBS_' + _d[i]] = 1; } if(w.jQuery) { (function($) { $(w).load(function() { var p = 'portarit', l = 'landscape'; var m = 'smart', mw = 'smartwide', t = 'tablet', tw = 'tabletwide'; var $h = $(h); var to = 0, cw = 0; function CSSSelectorUpdateOrientation() { switch(w.orientation) { case 90: case -90: $h.removeClass(p).addClass(l); break; default: $h.removeClass(l).addClass(p); break; } } if($h.hasClass('mobile') && w.orientation != undefined) { $(w).on('orientationchange', CSSSelectorUpdateOrientation); CSSSelectorUpdateOrientation(); } /* ie7 cpu 100% fix */ function CSSSelectorUpdateSize() { try { var _cw = d.documentElement.clientWidth || d.body.clientWidth; if(_cw == cw) return; cw = _cw; clearTimeout(to); } catch(e) {} to = setTimeout(CSSSelectorUpdateSize_, 100); } function CSSSelectorUpdateSize_() { try { $h.removeClass(m).removeClass(mw).removeClass(t).removeClass(tw).removeClass('pc'); $h.addClass( (cw <= 360) ? m : (cw <= 640) ? mw : (cw <= 768) ? t : (cw <= 1024) ? tw : 'pc' ); } catch(e) {} } setTimeout(function() { $(w).on('resize', CSSSelectorUpdateSize); CSSSelectorUpdateSize(); }, 500); }); })(w.jQuery); } })(document, window); Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/275700-browser-os-selector-add-win-xp-to-the-list/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
kjetterman Posted March 15, 2013 Author Share Posted March 15, 2013 this is the line I added to get xp to show up: is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 5.1') || ('windows nt 5.2') ? ' xp' : '') : It didn't work though. No syntax error -- so obviously a logical error. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/275700-browser-os-selector-add-win-xp-to-the-list/#findComment-1418845 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solution kjetterman Posted March 15, 2013 Author Solution Share Posted March 15, 2013 Found the answer! In the original script find this: is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 6.0') ? ' vista' : '') : replace with: is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 6.0') ? ' vista' : is('windows nt 5.1') || is('windows nt 5.2') ? ' xp' : '') : Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/275700-browser-os-selector-add-win-xp-to-the-list/#findComment-1418851 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adam Posted March 18, 2013 Share Posted March 18, 2013 Why when you're using jQuery don't you just use the browser object? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/275700-browser-os-selector-add-win-xp-to-the-list/#findComment-1419293 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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