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Code goes to sleep in PHPAGI


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Hi there,


I am not sure what is happening. I am not an expert PHP programmer, I am simply trying to get PHPAGI work with my box.


As soon as I fire the constructor of the class to create an instance of the class, the script goes to endless execution and times out.


Here is my php code,


#!/usr/bin/php -q

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

echo "<br />";
echo "AGI Instance Creation";
echo "<br />";

$agi = new AGI();  // The code goes to sleep here


The phpagi.php file code is herein, see the highlighted portion where it gets stuck, it is in RED in the constrcutor of the class



* phpagi.php : PHP AGI Functions for Asterisk
* Website: http://phpagi.sourceforge.net/

if (!class_exists('AGI_AsteriskManager'))
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpagi-asmanager.php');

define('AST_CONFIG_DIR', '/etc/asterisk/');
define('AST_SPOOL_DIR', '/var/spool/asterisk/');
define('AST_TMP_DIR', AST_SPOOL_DIR . '/tmp/');
define('DEFAULT_PHPAGI_CONFIG', AST_CONFIG_DIR . '/phpagi.conf');

define('AST_DIGIT_ANY', '0123456789#*');

define('AGIRES_OK', 200);

define('AST_STATE_DOWN', 0);
define('AST_STATE_RESERVED', 1);
define('AST_STATE_OFFHOOK', 2);
define('AST_STATE_DIALING', 3);
define('AST_STATE_RING', 4);
define('AST_STATE_RINGING', 5);
define('AST_STATE_UP', 6);
define('AST_STATE_BUSY', 7);
define('AST_STATE_PRERING', 9);

define('AUDIO_FILENO', 3); // STDERR_FILENO + 1

* AGI class
class AGI
    * Request variables read in on initialization.
    * Often contains any/all of the following:
    *   agi_request - name of agi script
    *   agi_channel - current channel
    *   agi_language - current language
    *   agi_type - channel type (SIP, ZAP, IAX, ...)
    *   agi_uniqueid - unique id based on unix time
    *   agi_callerid - callerID string
    *   agi_dnid - dialed number id
    *   agi_rdnis - referring DNIS number
    *   agi_context - current context
    *   agi_extension - extension dialed
    *   agi_priority - current priority
    *   agi_enhanced - value is 1.0 if started as an EAGI script
    *   agi_accountcode - set by SetAccount in the dialplan
    *   agi_network - value is yes if this is a fastagi
    *   agi_network_script - name of the script to execute
    * NOTE: program arguments are still in $_SERVER['argv'].
    * @var array
    * @access public
    var $request;

    * Config variables
    * @var array
    * @access public
    var $config;

    * Asterisk Manager
    * @var AGI_AsteriskManager
    * @access public
    var $asmanager;

    * Input Stream
    * @access private
    var $in = NULL;

    * Output Stream
    * @access private
    var $out = NULL;

    * Audio Stream
    * @access public
    var $audio = NULL;

    * Application option delimiter
    * @access public
    public $option_delim = ",";
    * Constructor
    * @param string $config is the name of the config file to parse
    * @param array $optconfig is an array of configuration vars and vals, stuffed into $this->config['phpagi']
    function __construct($config=NULL, $optconfig=array())
        // load config
        if(!is_null($config) && file_exists($config))
          $this->config = parse_ini_file($config, true);
          $this->config = parse_ini_file(DEFAULT_PHPAGI_CONFIG, true);

        // If optconfig is specified, stuff vals and vars into 'phpagi' config array.
        foreach($optconfig as $var=>$val)
          $this->config['phpagi'][$var] = $val;

        // add default values to config for uninitialized values
        if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['error_handler'])) $this->config['phpagi']['error_handler'] = true;
        if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['debug'])) $this->config['phpagi']['debug'] = false;
        if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['admin'])) $this->config['phpagi']['admin'] = NULL;
        if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'])) $this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] = AST_TMP_DIR;

        // festival TTS config
        if(!isset($this->config['festival']['text2wave'])) $this->config['festival']['text2wave'] = $this->which('text2wave');

        // swift TTS config
        if(!isset($this->config['cepstral']['swift'])) $this->config['cepstral']['swift'] = $this->which('swift');


        // open stdin & stdout
        $this->in = defined('STDIN') ? STDIN : fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
        $this->out = defined('STDOUT') ? STDOUT : fopen('php://stdout', 'w');

        // initialize error handler
        if($this->config['phpagi']['error_handler'] == true)
          global $phpagi_error_handler_email;
          $phpagi_error_handler_email = $this->config['phpagi']['admin'];

        // make sure temp folder exists

        // read the request
        $str = fgets($this->in);
        while($str != "\n") //My code gets stuck here
          $this->request[substr($str, 0, strpos($str, ':'))] = trim(substr($str, strpos($str, ':') + 1));
          $str = fgets($this->in);

        // open audio if eagi detected
        if($this->request['agi_enhanced'] == '1.0')
          if(file_exists('/proc/' . getmypid() . '/fd/3'))
            $this->audio = fopen('/proc/' . getmypid() . '/fd/3', 'r');
            // may need to mount fdescfs
            $this->audio = fopen('/dev/fd/3', 'r');
            $this->conlog('Unable to open audio stream');

          if($this->audio) stream_set_blocking($this->audio, 0);

        $this->conlog('AGI Request:');
        $this->conlog(print_r($this->request, true));
        $this->conlog('PHPAGI internal configuration:');
        $this->conlog(print_r($this->config, true));


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your code has line with fgets()


check out put of that line

that is not returning your desired output to exit from loop


fgets requires 2 parameters

2nd is for the length of read

if you do not provide 2nd parameter

it assumes length per read as 1024 bytes

and by doing so

it never gets '\n'

because read is 1024 characters lengthy

Sent at 6:20 PM on Friday

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Actually (from the manual fgets)

Reading ends when length - 1 bytes have been read, or a newline (which is included in the return value), or an EOF (whichever comes first). If no length is specified, it will keep reading from the stream until it reaches the end of the line.

(emphasis added)



The problem is at the end of the input file (also from the manual)

Returns a string of up to length - 1 bytes read from the file pointed to by handle. If there is no more data to read in the file pointer, then FALSE is returned.


If an error occurs, FALSE is returned.

(emphasis added}


Usually, the code would be something like:

while ($str = fgets($this->in)) {
  // Process string
although, I usually just use file and foreach
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