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Is it possible to give php and id?


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[quote]The only way to "call" php using javascript would be AJAX.[/quote]

Thats not so at all. You can easily request a php page with Javascript, I think its best to see if {,s}he can give us a cleaer explination before jumping to conclusions.
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Thanks thorpe. I am trying to see if I can get around refreshing the page everytime I want the new php function to appear. For instance I am using rand(1,31). In order for the new random item to appear a page refresh needs to be done. I either need a way that just part of the page can be refreshed or I need a way that javascript can re-execute my php script. Or another way if someone has one. Or can something be put in this so the function only re-executes? echo "<img src='/$imagefile'>I need search engines to be able to search my php content, so I can't use iframes or enclose the php inside the javascript.

Reason why page refresh isn't working is because it has to refresh the whole page which disrupts everything when I need to do it often. Same problem happens when server side include calls the page with the refresh in it. I only need something small in php refreshed, not the whole page. Some wizard out there please let me know, thanks.
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In this instance, coincidently, it is probably AJAX that you're after for this task, but as Thorpe mentioned earlier, this isn't always the case.

I'd suggest visiting PHP Freaks sister site, [url=http://www.ajaxfreaks.com/]AJAX Freaks[/url] for beginner tutorials on this sort of thing.

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