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How to make td data spacing below if the browser need to scroll

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In the picture below show the result taking from taskreportview.php


If u can see on the Operation field when I insert the long data, the data move forward


My main question is how to make the data jump to below for example












 mysql_connect("localhost","root") or die ("could not connect to the mysql");
 mysql_select_db("kime") or die ("no database");
 $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(Task_Date, '%d/%m/%Y %l:%i %p') AS Task_Date FROM task_report WHERE ID='$b' ORDER BY Task_Date") or die(mysql_error());
 echo "<body  bgcolor='#F5D16A'>";
 echo "<center><img src ='OK.gif'></center><br>";
 echo "<center><h2>OPERATION REPORT</h2>";
 echo "<table><tr><td><h3>LOCATION</h3></td><td><h3>:</h3></td><td><h3>".$a."</h3></td></tr></table></center>";
 echo "<center><table border = '1'>";
 echo "<tr><th>DATE & TIME</th><th>STAFF NAME</th><th>TASK</th><th>OPERATION</th><th>ACTION & RESULTS</th></tr>";	 
  while($report = mysql_fetch_array($sql2))
  echo "<tr align='center'><td>".$report['Task_Date']."</td>";
  echo "<td>".$report['Task_Name']."</td>";
  echo "<td>".$report['Task_Task']."</td>";
  echo "<td>".$report['Task_Operation']."</td> ";
  echo "<td>".$report['Task_Action']."</td> ";

 echo"</table><h2><a href='taskreportform.php'>Add Task Form</a><br></h2><h2><a href='logout.php'>Logout</a></h2></center>";





while($report = mysql_fetch_array($searchall))
       echo "<tr align='center'><td>".$report['Task_Date']."</td>";
	   echo "<td>".$report['Branch_Codename']."</td>";
       echo "<td>".$report['Task_Name']."</td>";
 	   echo "<td>".$report['Task_Task']."</td>";
  	   echo "<td>".str_replace("\r","<br>",$report['Task_Operation'])."</td>";
  	   echo "<td>".nl2br($report['Task_Action'])."</td>";
       echo "<td>".$report['Check_By']."</td></tr>";

This works perfect when using textarea in task operation and task action but the main problem was when we input data in textarea and we enter to line break then only it will convert using that str replace or nl2br but what I want when user input data in textarea, it will automatically line break without user 'Enter' input

  • 3 weeks later...

Have you tried placing the input text within a DIV set to whatever width you set? This would force text that is longer than the specified DIV width to break back to the begining of the div on a new line.

echo "<td>" . str_replace("\r", "<br><div style='width: " . $div_width . "';>", $report['Task_Operation']) . "</div></td>";

replace $div_width with whatever you think it should be, or just set a variable so you can maybe make it adjustable via admin or w/e.

Edited by InoBB

Do you really have values in your database that are 50+ characters without any spaces? This is a "problem" I see reported all the time - especially when someone is testing max length restrictions on fields. This is an edge case scenario that doesn't need to be fixed in my opinion. Unless you expect that those types of values are going to be valid it's not worth the time and effort to add logic to handle it.


But, to answer your question directly. I don't believe there is any way, with just HTML and CSS, to make a line of characters with no spaces or other "break" characters (dash, period, tab, etc.) break across lines. You would have to do that in server-side code.

  • 3 weeks later...

It's called a chat room, and a user trying to mess up the layout.


Really? Your supposed example was an "Operation Report" which one would naturally assume is for business purposes. If someone in a company is purposefully submitting data to corrupt the layout I would consider that a personnel issue.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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