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display a box while page is loading


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has anyone seen a code snippet, or tutorial of some sort, on how to
display a box on top of the current website saying something like
"one moment please" while the page is loading,  then disappears when the page
is done loading?  Does anyone know how this is done?  I've seen this on a couple of sites,
http://www.appleblossomart.net for instance does this, and I've seen others. Does anyone know offhand how something like this is done?

I was thinking, u could trap the "onload" function in XHTML, but then how would you know when the page is loading, and done loading?


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are you sure?

I'm not talking about "onload" if thats what your thinking. that executes after the page has completely loaded. 

what I was asking, is how to display a box on top of the current page while the page is loading, then when the page is done loading take the box away.  I don't think that can be done with javascript.
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Or do it like those hotel and airline sites....

1. fill the forum
2. submit the form and load the data into a session or temporary table.
3. show your message 'PLEASE WAIT'
4. on the PLEASE WAIT page have a meta refresh, that is given id pointing to the form data...

This way, you can do back end processing or whatever you want while they wait...

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I'm not submitting anything though.

I'm looking on Dynamic drive and asking in the forums there since you guys aren't much help.
I get these types of answers every time I visit this forum, or I get a bunch of downright rude answers,  so I give up and am asking elsewhere where users are friendlier.
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