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Security Issue


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I am having a problem with someone inserting random text into my website.


I have a text box on each page that you are able to put your postcode into, so search results can be displayed by distance. When you enter your postcode javascript checks it a valid UK postcode, if it's not you get an error message, if it's ok the postcode is entered into the database.

But I keep getting text like "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj" entered!

Can anyone shed light on how this is happening?



script which appears on each page, below it jspostcode.js

<script src="*******/jspostcode.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function testPostCode () {
  var myPostCode = document.getElementById('postcode').value;
  if (checkPostCode (myPostCode)) {
    document.getElementById('postcode').value = checkPostCode (myPostCode)
  else {alert ("Postcode has invalid format")};

function checkPostCode (toCheck) {

  // Permitted letters depend upon their position in the postcode.
  var alpha1 = "[abcdefghijklmnoprstuwyz]";                       // Character 1
  var alpha2 = "[abcdefghklmnopqrstuvwxy]";                       // Character 2
  var alpha3 = "[abcdefghjkpmnrstuvwxy]";                         // Character 3
  var alpha4 = "[abehmnprvwxy]";                                  // Character 4
  var alpha5 = "[abdefghjlnpqrstuwxyz]";                          // Character 5
  var BFPOa5 = "[abdefghjlnpqrst]";                               // BFPO alpha5
  var BFPOa6 = "[abdefghjlnpqrstuwzyz]";                          // BFPO alpha6
  // Array holds the regular expressions for the valid postcodes
  var pcexp = new Array ();
  // BFPO postcodes
  pcexp.push (new RegExp ("^(bf1)(\\s*)([0-6]{1}" + BFPOa5 + "{1}" + BFPOa6 + "{1})$","i"));

  // Expression for postcodes: AN NAA, ANN NAA, AAN NAA, and AANN NAA
  pcexp.push (new RegExp ("^(" + alpha1 + "{1}" + alpha2 + "?[0-9]{1,2})(\\s*)([0-9]{1}" + alpha5 + "{2})$","i"));
  // Expression for postcodes: ANA NAA
  pcexp.push (new RegExp ("^(" + alpha1 + "{1}[0-9]{1}" + alpha3 + "{1})(\\s*)([0-9]{1}" + alpha5 + "{2})$","i"));

  // Expression for postcodes: AANA  NAA
  pcexp.push (new RegExp ("^(" + alpha1 + "{1}" + alpha2 + "{1}" + "?[0-9]{1}" + alpha4 +"{1})(\\s*)([0-9]{1}" + alpha5 + "{2})$","i"));
  // Exception for the special postcode GIR 0AA
  pcexp.push (/^(GIR)(\s*)(0AA)$/i);
  // Standard BFPO numbers
  pcexp.push (/^(bfpo)(\s*)([0-9]{1,4})$/i);
  // c/o BFPO numbers
  pcexp.push (/^(bfpo)(\s*)(c\/o\s*[0-9]{1,3})$/i);
  // Overseas Territories
  pcexp.push (/^([A-Z]{4})(\s*)(1ZZ)$/i);  
  // Anguilla
  pcexp.push (/^(ai-2640)$/i);

  // Load up the string to check
  var postCode = toCheck;

  // Assume we're not going to find a valid postcode
  var valid = false;
  // Check the string against the types of post codes
  for ( var i=0; i<pcexp.length; i++) {
    if (pcexp[i].test(postCode)) {
      // The post code is valid - split the post code into component parts
      // Copy it back into the original string, converting it to uppercase and inserting a space 
      // between the inward and outward codes
      postCode = RegExp.$1.toUpperCase() + " " + RegExp.$3.toUpperCase();
      // If it is a BFPO c/o type postcode, tidy up the "c/o" part
      postCode = postCode.replace (/C\/O\s*/,"c/o ");
      // If it is the Anguilla overseas territory postcode, we need to treat it specially
      if (toCheck.toUpperCase() == 'AI-2640') {postCode = 'AI-2640'};
      // Load new postcode back into the form element
      valid = true;
      // Remember that we have found that the code is valid and break from loop
  // Return with either the reformatted valid postcode or the original invalid postcode
  if (valid) {return postCode;} else return false;

Thanks James


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Someone is posting the form and bypassing the JS validation. Maybe they have JS disabled. Maybe it's a bot that just fills in random values. Always validate your data server-side with PHP. Users cannot bypass that like they can Javascript.

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