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I am designing a voting webpage where in users can choose multiple values and all are submitted to a mysql database. I am using checkboxes. I can get one value to go in great, but its the mutiple value thing that has me pulling my hair out. Can someone PLEASE help a beginner out??

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, <br>;

aftr the echo part to view choices on lines

And then run an array sending value by value to the db

If u want all values to be sent as a string, concatenate them into one string separated by , and then send the stribg itself

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Well, as Barand said you have to tell us about your database structure, so I wrote a simple example how to insert multiple radio values to database.


In this example I'm going to use Barand's example.


You can take a look that thread too - http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/267013-looping-multiple-rows-into-database/

if(!empty($_POST['Submit'])) {
$votes = $_POST['myvote'];

// build a query string .....
$sql = "INSERT INTO `tbl_name`(`votes`) VALUES";

    foreach ($votes as $vote) {
    $sql .= "(".$vote;
    // trim the last comma from a query string in case you have multiple values
    //$sql = rtrim($sql, ',');
    $sql .= "),";
// trim the last comma from a query string
$sql = rtrim($sql, ',');

//echo '<pre>' . print_r($sql, true) . '</pre>';


<form method="post">
    <input type="checkbox" name="myvote[]" value="1" />

    <input type="checkbox" name="myvote[]" value="2" />

    <input type="checkbox" name="myvote[]" value="3" />
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Go!" />



INSERT INTO `tbl_name`(`votes`) VALUES(1),(3)
Edited by jazzman1
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OK, my database just has entries for each choice represented by each check box and I need to keep up with how many times an item is voted on.

 Well, I think it's time to show us what you've done so far ;)

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Ok here is my PHP.  I think my biggest problem now is I need to update the count in the db not really add anything




$tstring = implode(',' , $vote); echo $tstring; 
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","YES");
if (!$con) 
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("poll", $con);
//insert to the table
$sql="update poll_results
            set num_votes = num_votes + 1
            where candidate = '$tstring'";
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "CheckBox value succesfully added";
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$vote = $_POST['vote'];

$tstring = implode(',', $vote);

$sql="update `poll_results`
            set `num_votes` = `num_votes` + 1
            where candidate IN ('".$tstring."')";
Edited by jazzman1
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Only one table with 2 columns. First column is the name of what is being voted for and the second column keeps up with the number of votes. This is what I think is giving me such a hard time, all I need to do is update the number of votes in the db not really add data.

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So, my fault.


Try this and give me back the result of the echo, because I'm not using my machine:

$vote = $_POST['myvote']; 

$tstring = implode(',',array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $vote));

$sql="update `poll_results`
            set `num_votes` = `num_votes` + 1
            where candidate IN ($tstring)";

echo $sql;
Edited by jazzman1
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This is what was returned on submit:


Notice: Undefined index: myvote in C:\xampp\htdocs\belltion\show_poll.php on line 2

Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in C:\xampp\htdocs\belltion\show_poll.php on line 4

Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\belltion\show_poll.php on line 4
update `poll_results` set `num_votes` = `num_votes` + 1 where candidate IN ()

Edited by rghayes
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Only one table with 2 columns. First column is the name of what is being voted for and the second column keeps up with the number of votes. This is what I think is giving me such a hard time, all I need to do is update the number of votes in the db not really add data.


A lot easier to store


userid | vote


where vote is the checkbox value. If they vote for 3 items, write 3 records (one for each)


All you have to do later is query the db to get the counts



SELECT vote, COUNT(*) as total
FROM votes
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The correct sql string should be - update `poll_results` set `num_votes` = `num_votes` + 1 where candidate IN ('TomJo','AlJac','AmyThom','ArthurBo','BillyMid','KarenMil');

I'm not at home right now, I am going to create later if I have a time ;)

Edited by jazzman1
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Barand is right!


Going back to the query above and the implode function try this, not tested but.... I think is going to be correct:

$vote = $_POST['vote']; 

$tstring = "'" . implode("', '", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $vote)) . "'";

$sql="UPDATE `poll_results`
            SET `num_votes` = `num_votes` + 1
            WHERE `candidate` IN ($tstring)";

echo $sql;
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I still am still  struggling with this but please check out my updated code. After some serious research I found this but I keep getting Fail to add test_value.



if (!$db_conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'YES', 'charity_db'))
  echo 'Could not connect to db<br />';
{$vote = $_POST["vote"];} 
else {$vote=array();}
for ($i="0"; $i<count($vote); $i++) { 
if(!is_numeric($vote[$i])) {$vote[$i]="";} 
if(empty($vote[$i])) {unset($vote[$i]);}}
$vote = implode ("<>", $vote); 
$vote = "<>".$vote.""; 
$sql = "INSERT INTO data_tbl (`id`, `choice`) VALUES (NULL, '$vote')"; 
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die ("Fail to add test_value");
$sql = "select id, choice from data_tbl limit 1"; 
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die ("Fail to get test"); 
$test = explode('<>',$pres[1]); 
for ($i="0"; $i<count($vote); $i++) { 
if(empty($vote[$i])) {unset($vote[$i]);} }
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