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Hey guys Im a HUGE newb when it comes to MySQL and PHP and when I new I mean.. Im a XHTML and CSS guy, been doin it for the past 6 years and dub myself an experience coder and designer... problem is I want to step the notch up on my web design skills... I knwo Im capable of learn php because Im a very determined person.

What I dont know is where in god I should start!!! hahah. I started the php.net tutorials and manual, presently Im on control structures. Ive been taking in quite a bit of it and if you showed me php script I could tell you what each thing means.. my problem is I dont have anyone or and source of teaching to tell me WHEN they should be used. there are contributer notes form talented php guys but to be honest those just confuse you because they usually disagree or add on to what the tutorial is saying but there is no explanation for what they are doing!

I think what Im really asking is do any of you know a place, book,.. ANYTHING that has a php teaching for complete newbs? thanks guy I REALLY appreciate your responses!

Biggie C
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Welcome to the wonderfull world of programming!

Honestly, without any programming experience its probably best to start with a good book. Reason being they usually teach you in an order that actually makes it easier to learn. There are certain things you probably shouldn't even look at without having some prior knowledge, and just diving in, can in the long run make things more difficult. (you learn bad habbits etc etc)

Luckily, there are heaps of great books around, and even a real good free one ovailable to read [url=http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook]online[/url]. If you read that, from start to finnish in order you should be well on your way.

Just remember, have patience. Programming can be complicated (I dont think its for everyone) but it gets much, much easier in time. Besides, youve always got this board to fall back on when you get stuck.

Anyway... my best advice. Read that book, then read it again and do the examples, then start a small project (maybe a blog) and keep that book, the [url=http://php.net/manual]manual[/url] and this site at your side.

Good luck.
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