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How to find "#" symbol in a String (URL)


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Both my previous questions were perfectly solved here.

Hoping the same this time.



Problem :How to find "#" symbol in a String (URL)


example : URL = http://www.myntra.com/sales?nav_id=1#!sortby=PRICEA


In above link, there is a "#" symbol used, however in code, when i do


echo strpos("www.myntra.com/sales?nav_id=1#!sortby=PRICEA","#");


I don't get any value at all.


How can i find the pos of "#" in url



Thanks in advance. 





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echo strpos("www.myntra.com/sales?nav_id=1#!sortby=PRICEA","#");

outputs: 29


So your example works perfectly fine.


Going on an assumption that you are trying to identify the # in the current url (ie, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) then your problem is that the hash portion of the URL (the # and everything after it) is not sent to the server as it's strictly for client-side use. When the above example is requested the actual request made to the server is only for /sales?nav_id=1 and then once the page is loaded the browser interprets the #!sortby=PRICEA portion.

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I'm sorry.


Actually, I didn't give complete info.



This how i actually do it.

I send this link as parameter to my file.





$mylink = $_GET["link"];
if( stripos($mylink,"Myntra.com")>0)

echo strpos($mylink,"#");






It doesn't work in this case.
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Works fine for me, so either you're still leaving out some information, or you fixed it during posting. var_dump your $mylink variable to make sure it contains what you expect. Make sure you are not making any typos such as a case-mismatch ($mylink vs $myLink for example).

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Works fine for me, so either you're still leaving out some information, or you fixed it during posting. var_dump your $mylink variable to make sure it contains what you expect. Make sure you are not making any typos such as a case-mismatch ($mylink vs $myLink for example).


No Typo.


Did you try this code?



$mylink = $_GET["link"];
if( stripos($mylink,"Myntra.com")>0)

echo strpos($mylink,"#");








Bwowser treat "#" differently , this is a know issue.


Try this


echo (urlencode($mylink));


And when you check output, get this





# and everything after that is ignored .

Edited by preetham
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kicken@web1:~$ php
$mylink = 'http://www.myntra.com/sales?nav_id=1#!sortby=PRICEA';

echo urlencode($mylink);
The # is still there, it's just been encoded as %23. As I said, var_dump your variable to verify what it actually contains. If the # and everything after it are infact missing, then you need to revisit my first point:

...your problem is that the hash portion of the URL (the # and everything after it) is not sent to the server as it's strictly for client-side use

Make sure you urlencode() your values before putting them into a link or header redirect so that special characters such as # are not mis-interpreted.

Edited by kicken
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kicken@web1:~$ php
$mylink = 'http://www.myntra.com/sales?nav_id=1#!sortby=PRICEA';

echo urlencode($mylink);



I'm not hard coding the link it comes from _GET, so like you said in first post, everything after # is ignored.


I wanted to get that.

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