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Super simple code doesnt work


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Hi all,

I have a input text box in my flash site for people to enter their email address.  This address is sent to me by email message and i can save it into my contact list.  The flash site creates the variable "email" and the php is the following but it doesnt work somehow  :'(

$sendTo = "myemail@mywebsite.com";
$subject = "Please add me to your mailing list";
$message = $_POST["email"];
mail($sendTo, $subject, $message);

Any suggestions?

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are you sure your getting a value in $_POST['email']. and i would replace the " with ' to, because ' is proper coding. anyways. check to make sure your gettting some data from the variable by echoing it then exiting.

echo $_POST['email'];
put that at the top of the script that receives the data.
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this might look a little complicated, and its taken me a while to perfect... but its pretty simple... it includes all the headers needed to send emails to almost everywhere :-)

function get_filename($filepath,$extension=4){
$length = strlen($filepath) - $extension;
return substr($filepath,0,$length);

function email($to, $subject="N/A", $text, $from="", $file=""){
if(is_array($to)) $to = implode(", ",$to);
if(empty($to)) return FALSE;
$text = wordwrap($text, 77, "<br />\n");
if((!empty($file))&&(!file_exists($file))) $file="";
  case ".rm": $type="audio/x-realaudio"; break;
  case ".qt": $type="video/quicktime"; break;
  case ".avi": $type="video/avi"; break;
  case ".doc": $type="application/msword"; break;
  case ".gif": $type="image/gif"; break;
  case ".jpg": $type="image/jpeg"; break;
  case ".mov": $type="video/mov"; break;
  case ".mpg": $type="video/mpeg"; break;
  case ".pdf": $type="application/pdf"; break;
  case ".png": $type="image/png"; break;
  case ".ram": $type="audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break;
  case ".tar": $type="application/x-tar"; break;
  case ".wav": $type="audio/wav"; break;
  case ".zip": $type="application/x-zip-compressed"; break;
  case ".html": $type="text/html"; break;
  case ".mpeg": $type="video/mpeg"; break;
  if(!isset($type)) $type="text/plain";
  $content = fread(fopen($file,"r"),filesize($file));
  $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content));
  $name = basename($file);
$uid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(time())));
$header = "From: $from\nReply-To: $from\n";
$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=$uid\n";
$header .= "--$uid\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html\n";
$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";
$header .= "$text\n";
$header .= "--$uid\n";
  $header .= "Content-Type: $type; name=\"$name\"\n";
  $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
  $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$name\"\n\n";
  $header .= "$content\n";
  $header .= "--$uid--";
if(mail($to, $subject, $text, $header)) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
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nono... those are both necessary
if ((!empty($file)) && (!file_exists($file))) $file="";
that takes a look, if someone fills in the $file, but the file doesnt exist, it removes it

if (!empty($file)) // completly necessary challenge..
then it goes on to see if the file is still being attached
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the first one checks if the file one intended to attach exists, if it doesnt it emptys $file
then it goes through again and see's if $file is empty, if not, it goes ahead and attaches the file.

if we did it once, it'd empty the file, and still attach it...
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no, becuase if you structured it once, as I posted above, it would either empty it, if the filename does not exist, or attach it..

Infact you could drop empty() all together with:


if (!file_exists($file))
    $file = '';
    // attach

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