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Hi guys,

You have all really helped me. I am stuck on a php5, mysqli, ajax password reset from my mysqli table called table_sers for field name 


usernamesand set to varchar 255. I am having problems with this script and will appreciate any elp please. I want the script t be able to 


validate users email address from database before allowing user to change password. I have no idea if i should put MYSQLI_ASSOC


//my  ph mysqli script 

<?php //pchange.php

include_once("db_gupta.php");  // this is my database path


if(isset($_POST["table_users"]) && isset($_POST["User_pass1"]) && isset($_POST["User_pass2"])){

$id = $_SESSION['userid'];

$password = md5($hash_pass);

$sql = "SELECT from table_users WHERE email='$email' AND password='$hash_pass' id='$id'";

$sql = "UPDATE table_users SET password ='$hash_pass' WHERE id ='$id'";

$query = mysqli_query($db_gupta, $sql);



echo "Password Changed Successfully";


echo "Invalid ";



echo "Invalid";



//Main password ajax and html script


<script language="javascript">

function submitform() {

var User_Id=document.getElementById("table_users").value.match("^\\S[0-9a-zA-Z.-]*$");

var User_pass1=document.getElementById("User_pass1").value.match("^\\S[0-9a-zA-Z.-]*$");

var User_pass2=document.getElementById("User_pass2").value.match("^\\S[0-9a-zA-Z.-]*$");




if(User_Id==null || User_pass1==null) {

alert("invalid user id/password");

document.getElementById("err").innerHTML="invalid user id/password";



else if(User_pass2==null)


alert("invalid new password");

document.getElementById("err").innerHTML="invalid new password";




var str="table_users=" + User_Id + "&User_pass1=" + User_pass1 + "&User_pass2=" + User_pass2;


    type: "POST",

    url: "pchange.php",

    data: str,

    success: function(output){

      alert( output );









<h2>Change Password</h2>

    Email: <input id="table_users" name="User_Id" type="text" /><br />

Old Password: <input id="User_pass1" name="User_pass1" type="password" /><br />

New Password: <td><input id="User_pass2" name="User_pass2" type="password" /><br />

<input name="text" onclick="submitform();" type="button" value="Submit" /> 

<input name="text" type="reset" value="Reset" /><br />

<span id="err"></span>


Thanks once again.


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The logic in the pchange.php file is flawed.


You are using variables that are not set in your queries ($hash_pass)

You aren't checking to make sure the record exists before changing the password.

You don't give any understandable feedback unless they have successfully changed their password.

You need to move away from MD5() hashing passwords and looking into something more secure blowfish() for example, or the phpass library

Edited by PaulRyan
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