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Query not returning right - there IS a match

Go to solution Solved by kernelgpf,

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I am trying to run queries against a table and running into very confusing problems. I keep returning "0" rows for obvious matches - attached is a screenshot of an example (query+"no results" and picture of table with value being searched for (perfect match).


I've been pulling my hair out on this for hours - help and TIA!


Edited by kernelgpf
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I trimmed both values first, thanks anyway =/ nothing in the table will match properly - I'm actually writing a script to check against the incidentID and I started testing on the intersection field as well, something is wrong with the table I feel.

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Trim would only handle spaces at the beginning and end of a string. It wouldn't help with any space variations in the middle of the string.


For instance if your database contained the value

1500  LA  BRANCH
(two spaces between words) your query would fail to match, even though it would appear as though it should when viewing the record in phpMyAdmin. Edited by kicken
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Okay I found the problem but am still unsure how to fix it - the string in the database has odd question mark black symbols - how can I remove them/unformat the string?


"�1�4�0�0� �W� �W�E�S�T� �L�P� �S� �7�0�0� �P�O�S�T� �O�A�K� �B�L�V�D��"

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