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Hi everyone!


I'm using a small PHP plugin for WordPress for social sharing. The problem is, the links open up in a new tab instead of a new, small pop-up window. 


Here's the Facebook code example for the pop-out I'm desiring:

<a href="#" 
    return false;">
  Share On Facebook

And here is the plugin code:

Plugin Name: Boon's Simple Social Sharing
Plugin URI: https://github.com/mattberridge/Simple-Social-Sharing-Buttons
Description: Super lightweight social sharing buttons (without counters)
Author: built by Boon
Author URI: http://builtbyboon.com
function simple_social_sharing( $attr_twitter = null, $attr_items = null ) {

// parse variables
$twitter_account = $attr_twitter;
$item_toggles = $attr_items;

// get post content and urlencode it
global $post;
$browser_title_encoded = urlencode( trim( wp_title( '', false, 'right' ) ) );
$page_title_encoded = urlencode( get_the_title() );
$page_url_encoded = urlencode( get_permalink($post->ID) );

// create share items array
$share_items = array ();

// set each item
$item_facebook = array(
"class" => "facebook",
"href" => "http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u={$page_url_encoded}&t={$browser_title_encoded}",
"text" => "Share On Facebook"
$item_twitter = array(
"class" => "twitter",
"href" => "http://twitter.com/share?text={$page_title_encoded}&url={$page_url_encoded}&via={$twitter_account}",
"text" => "Twitter"
$item_google = array(
"class" => "google",
"href" => "http://plus.google.com/share?url={$page_url_encoded}",
"text" => "G+"

// test whether to display each item
if($item_toggles) {
// explode into array
$item_toggles_array = explode( ",", $item_toggles );
// set each item on or off
$show_facebook = $item_toggles_array['0'];
$show_twitter = $item_toggles_array['1'];
$show_google = $item_toggles_array['2'];
else {
$display_all_items = 1;

// form array of items set to 1
if( $show_facebook==1 || $display_all_items ) {
array_push( $share_items, $item_facebook );
if( $show_twitter==1 || $display_all_items) {
array_push( $share_items, $item_twitter );
if( $show_google==1 || $display_all_items) {
array_push( $share_items, $item_google );

// if one or more items
if ( ! empty( $share_items ) ) {
// create output
$share_output = "<ul class=\"ss-share\">\n";
foreach ( $share_items as $share_item ) {
$share_output .= "<li class=\"ss-share-item\">\n";
$share_output .= "<a class=\"ss-share-link ico-{$share_item['class']}\" href=\"{$share_item["href"]}\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">{$share_item['text']}</a>\n";
$share_output .= "</li>\n"; 
$share_output .= "</ul>";
// echo output
echo $share_output;


// add shortcode to output buttons
function simple_social_sharing_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
// parse variables / set defaults
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'twitter' => '',
'display' => '1,1,1',
), $atts ) );
// output buttons
simple_social_sharing( $twitter, $display );
$output_string = ob_get_contents();
return force_balance_tags( $output_string );

add_shortcode( 'simple-social-sharing', 'simple_social_sharing_shortcode' );


Any help is greatly appreciated -- I've been trying for a week to figure this out!


Thank you!

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Try using JavaScript for that :)


jQuery (a JavaScript framework) has some excellent modal dialog box support.


Edit: to the moderators, I excuse for the double post :/

My mobile made itself self-concious and posted twice :P (no, I had to reset my connection and my mobile resent the data)

Edited by Irate
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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