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Sort a directory by filename only showing the latest file of each type based on the name

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I have these files in a directory and can easily list to a webpage 




However, i want to be selective and just select the most recent of each type, so instead of the whole list i want to display




Is there an easy way to do this or do i need to take apart the filename, put the date in a date object and then use it to sort. 


my current code is:


public function getFiles() {
        //return String, form as HTML later
        $return = "";
        // create a resrouce pointing to the directory with the files in it on disk
        $dir = opendir('DIRECTORY');
        //path to that directory that is appended to the URL
        $actualdir = 'PATH FROM WEBSERVER ROOT';
        // read the directory looping over the files and populate to an array
        while ($entryName = readdir($dir)){
            $dirArray[] = $entryName;
        //close the directory as we don't need it anymore
        //make a note of how many items are in the directory
        $indexCount = count($dirArray);
        //loop through the files building up a list of links
        for($index=0; $index < $indexCount; $index++) {
            if($dirArray[$index] !="." && $dirArray[$index] !=".."){
                $return .=  "<a href='"."$actualdir".$dirArray[$index]."'>".$dirArray[$index]."</a><br/>";
        return $return;
any help is appreciated as this is my first day of PHP :)

Try this:


public function getFiles()
    // create a resrouce pointing to the directory with the files in it on disk
    $dir = opendir('DIRECTORY');

    //path to that directory that is appended to the URL
    $actualdir = 'PATH FROM WEBSERVER ROOT';
    // read the directory looping over the files and populate into
    // two arrays: one to tracjk the data and one to track the name
    $typesByDate = array();
    $typesByName = array();
    while ($fileName = readdir($dir))
        //Skip directories
        if(!is_file($fileName)) { continue; }
        //Get type and date from file name
        $type = substr($fileName, 6, 2);
        $date = substr($fileName, 6, ;
        //If no file set for this type or date is newer than last saved, add it
        if(!isset($typesByDate[$type]) || $typesByDate[$type] < $date)
             $typesByDate[$type] = $date;
             $typesByName[$type] = $fileName;

    //close the directory as we don't need it anymore
    //loop through the files building up a list of links
    $return = '';
    foreach($typesByName as $file)
        $return .=  "<a href='{$actualdir}{$file}'>{$dirArray[$file}</a><br/>";
    return $return;
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