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Parse JSON in PHP and retrieve object names.

Go to solution Solved by AbraCadaver,

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I have some json that would like to parse thru without hardcoding the subvalues so others than me can use this as well. Example of the JSON is:
























So those jbo level items I can directly access by ['workers']['jbo.5970'] however tried like ['workers][0] but nothing was returned. Want to parse thru all the items under workers and then process the array elements in each jbo value.  The jbo.* values are just examples, they could be anything so not static. Thoughts?




Using the below, I can get the alive and hash rate status of each worker which I am surprised about as I thought it was one level deeper than I'm going to get them. But I can not get the name of the worker itself.  Basically want to output the worker name itself, then if alive and how fast it's hashrate is.

$wemineltc = file_get_contents("http://localhost/wemineltc.json");


foreach ($obj['workers'] as $wrk)


    echo $wrk['alive'] . "<br>";

    echo $wrk['hashrate'] . "<br>";



I can also do like $obj['workers']['jbo.5970']['alive'] to get status of a particular worker, however as mentioned I am assuming the workers name is dynamic.


Here is an example URL by the way: https://www.wemineltc.com/api?api_key=6fd24db2b31d3982ad5520c009588efe81b1b4cc07e9fcd7904d04434405e3ef





As another follow-up what if it goes one level deeper? So want to output a table like:


LTC: jbod.5970: 20

LTC: jbod.5970cpu: 30

NVC: jbod.5970: 50

NVC: jbod.5970cpu: 0

NVC: jbod.5970two: 0






Thanks.  Hoping this will give me that ahh ha moment and all will become clear.



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