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php search and results same page


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I want to use a search script on my page that searches trough a database and shows the results on the same page. I did place it all in one page to test but when I open the page it shows the entire database. Since my database will end up with 15000+ entries it's going to cause a problem. When I search it does show the right results on the page but how can I start off with a a empty page? In the end I want a search script where you can select from diffent criteria.


echo "    <p><b>Zoek in de database:</b></p>\n"; 
echo "    \n"; 
echo "    <p>\n"; 
echo "    <form method=\"post\" action=\"resultaat.php\">\n"; 
echo "    Zoekterm:<br>\n"; 
echo "    <input type=\"text\" name=\"zoekterm\" size=\"30\"><br>\n"; 
echo "    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Zoeken\">\n"; 
echo "    </p>\n";

    //-- natuurlijk moet er eerst een connectie met de database worden gemaakt:
    if (!@mysql_select_db("schoolme_scholen", @mysql_connect("localhost", "schoolme_arjan", "avr2nl3")))
        echo "Er kan geen database connectie gemaakt worden.";

    //-- $_POST['zoekterm'] is de naam van het zoekveld in het formulier wat we
    //-- hebben gemaakt in het vorige 'hoofdstuk'. Dit is dus de SQL code:
    $sql = "SELECT id,naam,type,geloof,adres,postcode,plaats,provincie,telefoon,fax,email,website FROM scholen WHERE plaats LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['zoekterm']) . "%'";
    //-- voer de SQL code uit en zet dit in een variabele zodat we zometeen kunnen
    //-- kijken of er een resultaat is
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
    //-- bekijk nu of er een resultaat is, of het zoekwoord dus gevonden is of niet
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) >= 1)
        //-- er is een resultaat gevonden, toon de resultaten via een while () loop
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"5\">\n"; 
echo "  <tr>\n"; 
echo "    <td width=\"50%\"><b>id:</b> $row[id] </td>\n"; 
echo "    <td width=\"50%\"><b>Naam:</b> $row[naam] </td>\n"; 
echo "  </tr>\n"; 
echo "  <tr>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Type:</b> $row[type] </td>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Geloof:</b> $row[geloof] </td>\n"; 
echo "  </tr>\n"; 
echo "  <tr>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Adres:</b> $row[adres] </td>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Postcode:</b> $row[postcode] </td>\n"; 
echo "  </tr>\n"; 
echo "  <tr>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Plaats:</b> $row[plaats] </td>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Provincie:</b> $row[provincie] </td>\n"; 
echo "  </tr>\n"; 
echo "  <tr>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Telefoon:</b> $row[telefoon] </td>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Fax:</b> $row[fax] </td>\n"; 
echo "  </tr>\n"; 
echo "  <tr>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>E-mail:</b> $row[email] </td>\n"; 
echo "    <td><b>Website:</b> $row[website] </td>\n"; 
echo "  </tr>\n"; 
echo "</table>\n";
echo "  <p>\n";
        echo '<a href="zoek.php" title="zoek opnieuw">zoek opnieuw</a>';
    //-- als er geen resultaat is gevonden, dus als het zoekwoord niet gevonden is:
        echo '<p>Er is niets gevonden op jou zoekterm: <b>' . $_POST['zoekterm'] . '</b></p>';
        echo '<p><a href="zoek.php" title="zoek opnieuw">zoek opnieuw</a></p>';
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1. Don't be afraid to use both HTML and PHP in tandem, right now you have spaghetti code.


2. Using the error suppression operator (@) is a bad practice as it promotes sloppy coding without the proper error handling.


3. It's a good practice to store your database connection in a variable for proper error handling instead of invoking it inside of another function. 


4. I recommend against using MYSQL as it has been deprecated and will no longer be used in a future version of PHP. I recommend using either MYQSLi or PDO.

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So what you are saying is should rewrite the entire script? I am still learning php, not 18 so it could take a bit longer so for now I am trying to grab scripts that are offered on the internet and learn from that also..


Will a 15k 8 row database cause problems in terms of size when using a search script or in general?

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Typically with a search script, you will only display a certain amount of rows using the LIKE keyword and use pagination to navigate to the next set of rows.

$sql = "SELECT field FROM table WHERE field = 'value' LIMIT 0,10";

There is a tutorial on pagination on this site I believe, although I'm not sure exactly where I saw it.


Do not use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] as a forms action, as this is a security risk because the value can be tampered with. Passing the action attribute an empty string is fine.

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