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fgets(), me again

Go to solution Solved by kicken,

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In the following program I need to step through a text file line by line checking to see if an email address and then a password are present. It currently works for the first entry in the accounts.txt file but fails if I try the second entry in the form. Any ideas?


$email = $_POST['email'];
$psswd = $_POST['psswd'];

$db = new SQLite3('./users.db', SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE);

    echo "Could not open/access DB";
    $result = $db->query("SELECT email, password FROM users WHERE email='$email'");
    $user = $result->fetchArray();


        $file = fopen("./accounts.txt", 'r+') or die("Failed to open file");

            $line = fgets($file);
            if(strpos($line, "$email") !== false)
            if(strpos($line, "$psswd") !== false)
            header("location: ./changepassword.html");
            echo "Invalid password";
            echo "Invalid email address";
    if($psswd == $user['password'])
            echo "You have already changed your password";

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I breaks are only there when a match is found to keep the loop from continuing after I have my banana.

No, you break in all three cases: Found, Email-mismatch, and password-mismatch. What you WANT is to break ONLY when the email and password BOTH match, ie the entry is found.


For your not-found error messages, what you want to do is have a test AFTER the loop which checks to see if anything was found. You can do this by setting a $found variable to false before the loop, and setting it to true if a valid entry is found. Then after the loop check if $found is true or false. If false, print your error otherwise continue on. Do not bother with trying to print separate messages for email not found vs password doesn't match. A login system should only ever say either they login was successful, or it failed. It should not give any reason for why it failed.

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