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form data is not saving in to database if i use fancybox in php


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<pre lang="PHP">if(isset($_POST['txtStartup']))
$sName = $_POST["txtStartup"];
$sUserName = '';
$sUserName = $_GET['u'];
$sDescription = $_POST["txtDescription"];
$sSql = "INSERT INTO communities(name, description, ownerid, image)VALUES('$sName', '$sDescription', '$sUserName', '$newfilename')";
$result = mysql_query($sSql);
if($result > 0)
echo "go";
echo "<script>alert('Startup created..!!')</script>";
echo "no";
echo "<script>alert('Startup already exists..!!')</script>";
echo "<script>alert('There are some problem while processing request..!!')</script>";


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outline: none;
padding: 3px 0px 3px 3px;
margin: 5px 1px 3px 0px;
border: 2px solid #DDDDDD;
-webkit-border-radius: 11px 10px 12px 10px;-moz-border-radius: 11px 10px 12px 10px;border-radius: 11px 10px 12px 10px;
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-webkit-border-radius: 11px 10px 12px 10px;-moz-border-radius: 11px 10px 12px 10px;border-radius: 11px 10px 12px 10px;
#dvMain{border-radius: 1px;}
/* input[type=button]{width: 77px; background-color:#003366;border-radius: 5px; color: white ;border: 1px solid #000066;}
input[type=button]:hover{background-color:#9dbcda;} */
table{background-color: #ffffff;}
.p{color: #ff6347;font-family: Comic Sans MS;font-size: 11px;font-style: normal;}
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td{border: 0px solid #ffffff;}
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate() {
var name = document.getElementById("txtStartup");
if(name.value == "")
alert('You must enter startup name');
return false;
return true;
<title>Add Startup</title>
<body style='background-color:#006666; width: 500px;'>
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div id='dvMain' style='border: 0px solid #ff6347; height: 465px; width: 600px; background-color:#FAFAFA'>
<div style='margin: 47px;'>
<p style="color: #003d4c;font-family:Courier New; font-size: 22;">CREATE STARTUP</p>
<table style="border: 0px solid #ffffff">
<tr><td style="border: 0px solid #ffffff" colspan='3'></td></tr>
<tr><td style="border: 0px solid #ffffff">Name:</td><td style="border: 0px solid #ffffff"><input type='text' id="txtStartup" name='txtStartup' placeholder='enter startup name'></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description:</td><td><textarea name='txtDescription' placeholder='Describe community'></textarea></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td width="150">Upload image:</td><td><input type="file" name="file" id="file"></td><td></td></tr>

<tr><td ></td><td><div class="btn">
<input type="image" name="btnSubmit" value="Create me" onclick="return validate();" >
<div class="btn" style="margin-left: 10px;">
<input type="image" name='btnClose' value='Close me' onclick="window.close();">

<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="1">
<p class="p"> What is startup ? Brief startup here for user information ...!!</p>



I am using fancybox to open this page and submit data in db. this works in normal popup like in window.open. But it does not save form data in db if i use fancybox.
Here are code which i use to open this page using fancy box
<a class="popup" href="{$url}/skin/community/addcom.php?a=profile&u={$username}"></span>Add Startups</a>

Please suggest where i am wrong..

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