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Centering Tables


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Hi I don't know how to center this table, okay so there was four tables and I deleted one and I want to center the three tables.. I'm fairly new to HTML so I don't really know the tags.

	<div class="package">
<span style="color:#454C4E">
<div class="value"><img src="images/new_r.png"></div>
					<h2><span style="color:#454C4E">NOVICE</h2>
						<ul class="systems">
					<li><h4 style="display:none;" class="windows">Novice</h4></li>
					<li><h4 style="margin-left: 77px; margin-top: -5px;" class="" title="Excellent for anyone starting out.">
					<img src="images/blog-post-edit-icon.png"></h4></li>
					<ul class="features" style="display: list-item;">
						<li><a title="Excellent for anyone starting out."><span style="color:#454C4E">  3,000MB Disk Space</a></li>
						<li><a title="Excellent for anyone starting out."><span style="color:#454C4E">  30,000MB Bandwidth</li>
						<li><a title="All servers use Litespeed web server which is proven to serve pages up to 9 times faster than Apache web servers"><span style="color:#454C4E">Litespeed Powered</a></li>
						<li><a title="cPanel provides an intuitive interface to help website owners manage their sites, while WebHost Manager (WHM) automates server management tasks for server administrators. Together, they reduce overhead by simplifying complex tasks and allowing customers to manage their own accounts."><span style="color:#454C4E">  Cpanel</a><span style="color:#454C4E"> + <a href="#" title="Softaculous is an amazing cPanel/PHP based Web application. It integrates with cPanel and gives you and your clients the ability to automagically install below listed popular Open Source Applications."><span style="color:#454C4E">  Softaculous</a></li>
						<li><a title="If you are moving from another cPanel host, we will transfer your website, databases, email and all other account settings."><span style="color:#454C4E"> Free Migration</li>
						<li><a title="Our uptime won't drop below 99.9% in any given month. If it does, we'll credit you for the time its down."><span style="color:#454C4E">  99.9% Uptime Guarantee</li><li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li></a>
						<li><a title="Unlimited Sub-domains, One Domain Per Account, Unlimited MySQL Databases"><span style="color:#454C4E">  Addon Restrictions</li><li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li></a>

<li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li>
					<h3><span style="color:#454C4E">$6.99 <br>per/month</h3>
					<a class="b_classico" href="https://pixelcloud.co/billing/cart.php"><span>Purchase</span></a>

				<div class="package">
					<h2><span style="color:#454C4E">JUNIOR</h2>
						<ul class="systems">
					<li><h4 style="display:none;" class="windows">Junior</h4></li>
					<li><h4 style="margin-left: 77px; margin-top: -5px;" class="" title="The best choice for anyone who outgrew the novice plan.">
					<img src="images/Lightbrown-Blog-icon.png"></h4></li>
					<ul class="features" style="display: list-item;">
						<li><a title="The best choice for anyone who outgrew the novice plan."><span style="color:#454C4E">  10,000MB Disk Space</a></li>
						<li><a title="The best choice for anyone who outgrew the novice plan."><span style="color:#454C4E">  100,000MB</li>
						<li><a title="All servers use Litespeed web server which is proven to serve pages up to 9 times faster than Apache web servers"><span style="color:#454C4E">Litespeed Powered</a></li>
						<li><a title="cPanel provides an intuitive interface to help website owners manage their sites, while WebHost Manager (WHM) automates server management tasks for server administrators. Together, they reduce overhead by simplifying complex tasks and allowing customers to manage their own accounts."><span style="color:#454C4E">  Cpanel</a><span style="color:#454C4E"> + <a href="#" title="Softaculous is an amazing cPanel/PHP based Web application. It integrates with cPanel and gives you and your clients the ability to automagically install below listed popular Open Source Applications."><span style="color:#454C4E">  Softaculous</a></li>
						<li><a title="If you are moving from another cPanel host, we will transfer your website, databases, email and all other account settings."><span style="color:#454C4E"> Free Migration</li>
						<li><a title="Our uptime won't drop below 99.9% in any given month. If it does, we'll credit you for the time its down."><span style="color:#454C4E">  99.9% Uptime Guarantee</li><li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li></a>
						<li><a title="Unlimited Sub-domains, Five Domains Per Account, Unlimited MySQL Databases"><span style="color:#454C4E">  Addon Restrictions</li><li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li></a>

<li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li>
					<h3><span style="color:#454C4E">$11.99 <br>per/month</h3>	
					<a class="b_classico" href="https://pixelcloud.co/billing/cart.php"><span>Purchase</span></a>
<div class="package">
<div class="value"><img src="images/value_r.png"></div>
					<h2><span style="color:#454C4E">SENIOR</h2>
<ul class="systems">
					<li><h4 style="display:none;" class="windows">SENIOR</h4></li>
					<li><h4 style="margin-left: 77px; margin-top: -5px;" class="" title="For those looking forward to start a regular site with a fair amount of traffic & webspace needs."><img src="images/Folder-websites-Folder-icon.png"></h4></li>
										<ul class="features" style="display: list-item;">
						<li><a title="For those looking forward to start a regular site with a fair amount of traffic & webspace needs."><span style="color:#454C4E">  10GB Web Space</a></li>
						<li><a title="For those looking forward to start a regular site with a fair amount of traffic & webspace needs."><span style="color:#454C4E">  100GB Bandwidth</li>
						<li><a title="All servers use Litespeed web server which is proven to serve pages up to 9 times faster than Apache web servers"><span style="color:#454C4E">Litespeed Powered</a></li>
						<li><a title="cPanel provides an intuitive interface to help website owners manage their sites, while WebHost Manager (WHM) automates server management tasks for server administrators. Together, they reduce overhead by simplifying complex tasks and allowing customers to manage their own accounts."><span style="color:#454C4E">  Cpanel</a><span style="color:#454C4E"> + <a href="#" title="Softaculous is an amazing cPanel/PHP based Web application. It integrates with cPanel and gives you and your clients the ability to automagically install below listed popular Open Source Applications."><span style="color:#454C4E">  Softaculous</a></li>
						<li><a title="If you are moving from another cPanel host, we will transfer your website, databases, email and all other account settings."><span style="color:#454C4E"> Free Migration</li>
						<li><a title="Our uptime won't drop below 99.9% in any given month. If it does, we'll credit you for the time its down."><span style="color:#454C4E">  99.9% Uptime Guarantee</li><li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li></a>
						<li><a title="Unlimited Sub-domains, One Domain Per Account, Unlimited MySQL Databases"><span style="color:#454C4E">  Addon Restrictions</li><li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li></a>

<li style="margin-bottom: -19px;"></li>
					<h3><span style="color:#454C4E">$4.49 <br>per/month</h3>
					<a class="b_classico" href="https://pixelcloud.co/billing/cart.php"><span>Purchase</span></a>

Is this unclear? If so I can just post a file.

Edited by zkoqmosii
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To center content blocks on the screen, you could define the width of those content blocks and then use "auto" for the left/right margins to center the blocks. Here's a quick example:

<style type="text/css">
.centerContent {
     margin:0 auto;
<div class="centerContent">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
     <p>Paragraph goes here</p>
</div><!-- centerContent -->
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