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Displaying rows of data with an alternating colour sequence?

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Hey guys,

just wondering when you display data in a table, how do you display every second result with a different colour background?


result 1.    grey
result 2.    light grey
result 3.    grey
result 4.    light grey
result 5.    grey

.. etc

This can easily be accomplished using PHP in a while loop if you are getting data from a database with PHP. However if you are using plain old HTML then you have to code in manually or you can use javascript which will seek out your table rows and alternate the colors for each row one by one.
Very very very basic example but here it goes:


//------------------------------Making some results------------------------------\\
$result[] = "Hi, my name is corbin";
$result[] = "This is row number 2";
$result[] = "Guess what?  Row 3!";
$result[] = "Row4";
$result[] = "5";
$result[] = "6";
$result[] = "7";
$result[] = "8";
$result[] = "9";
$result[] = "10";
//------------------------------End results------------------------------\\

$color1 = "#808080"; //gray
$color2 = "#CCCCCC"; //lightgray

$rnum = count($result); //count $result
$i = 0;
echo "<table>"; //create the table
while($i < $rnum) { //start outputting the rows
$color = $color1;
if($i % 2) { $color = $color2; } /*if $i equally divides by 2 (if its even) then make the background color the second color
the weird thing about modulus (the % operator) is that it returns true if there is a modulus (remainder)... so if it returns true $i is odd.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"{$color}\">"; //start a cell
echo $result[$i]; //echo the result
echo "</td>"; //close the cell
echo "</table>"; //close the table...
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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