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How to include JavaScript into PHP to get 2 Variables ???

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hello 2 all. im trying for the last couple of days to get 2 simple variables/data into the MySQL Database.

Short Description of the Project:

we developed a e-learning system for our students. each student has a unique username/password to view the modules he/she should view and nothing more. since we want to give them the opportunity to run these modules from home as well, we are trying to get the USERNAME/COMPUTERNAME as well, so the students, when they sign up for the modules, they can ONLY run the modules from the home PC.

We found a very nice JavaScript, that gives us the opportunity to get these 2 values, but we are not able to retrieve these values into PHP.

The JavaScript has as follow:

//~~Author~~. Curtis Riley
//~~Email_Address~~. [email protected]
//Gets the current user's name, domain, and PC name, then gets the global
//groups on the domain that the user is a member of, and then checks the
//local groups on the PC to see if the user is a member. All of the data is
//displayed as collected in an Internet Explorer window controled by the

// WSH and ADSI demo program
// Gets global and local groups
// for the current user and machine
// and displays them in IE
// Requires: ADSI 2.5, WSH 2.0,
// Scripting 5.1, IE4
//Global ActiveX objects
//Creates an instance of IE
var ie = new ActiveXObject ("InternetExplorer.Application");

//Global variables
var gsUserName, gsUserDomain, gsComputerName;
var gaGlobalGroups = new Array();
var gaLocalGroups = new Array();
var gaMembershipFrom = new Array();

// Begin Main Program

ShowStatus("Getting Information...");

gsUserName = Get_UserName();
gsUserDomain = Get_UserDomain();
gsComputerName = Get_ComputerName();

gaGlobalGroups = Get_UserGlobalGroups(gsUserName, gsUserDomain);

gaLocalGroups = Get_UserLocalGroups(gsUserName, gsUserDomain, gsComputerName, gaGlobalGroups);

ShowStatus("Group information retrieved.");

// End Main Program

// ADSI and WSH Functions

// Gets the PC Name from the WSH
function Get_ComputerName(){
ShowStatus("Getting Computer Name...");
var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
return (WshNetwork.ComputerName);
// End function GetComputerName(){

// Gets the User Name from the WSH
function Get_UserName(){
ShowStatus("Getting User Name...");
var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
return (WshNetwork.UserName);
// End function GetUserName(){

// Gets the Domain Name from the WSH
function Get_UserDomain(){
ShowStatus("Getting Domain Name...");
var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
return (WshNetwork.UserDomain);
// End function Get_UserDomain(){

// Gets the global groups the user is a member of from ADSI
function Get_UserGlobalGroups(sUserName, sUserDomain){
ShowStatus("Getting User Global Group Membership...");
var oDomain; //Will hold the NT domain object
var eDomain; //an Enumerator that points to oDomain
var oGroup; //Will hold a group object
var i; //Counter variable

var VB_array; //a Dictionary object used to create a VBArray
var VBGroupFilter; //will hold the value "Group" in a VBArray

var aGroups = new Array(); //Holds the groups the user is a member of

// Create a VBarray to hold the filter value (yes, it is a kludge)
VB_array = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
VB_array.add("Group", "");
VBGroupFilter = VB_array.Keys();

// Get the IADsContainer object for the domain
oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" + sUserDomain);

//Filter the IADsContainer so that only objects that
//are groups show up when looking at it
oDomain.Filter = VBGroupFilter;

//Create an enumerator object so that we can step through all the groups
//in the domain
eDomain = new Enumerator(oDomain)

i = 0; //Initialize counter to step through array
for (;!eDomain.atEnd();eDomain.moveNext()){
//Since oDomain is filtered by group, each eDomain item is a group
oGroup = eDomain.item();
ShowStatus("Checking membership in group " + oGroup.Name + "....");
//Use the IsMember() method to find out if user is in the group

if ( oGroup.IsMember("WinNT://" + sUserDomain + "/" + sUserName) ){
//Store the group in the array, increment array counter
aGroups[i++] = oGroup;
//Show the groups as they come up
ShowStatus("Done getting global group membership");
return (aGroups);
// function Get_UserGlobalGroups(){

// Gets the local groups the user is a member of

function Get_UserLocalGroups(sUserName, sUserDomain, sComputerName, aGlobalGroups){
ShowStatus("Getting User Local Group Membership (may take a while)...");
var oDomain; //Will hold the NT local domain object
var eDomain; //an Enumerator that points to oDomain
var oGroup; //Will hold a group object
var i; //Counter variable

var VB_array; //a Dictionary object used to create a VBArray
var VBGroupFilter; //will hold the value "Group" in a VBArray

var aGroups = new Array(); //Holds the groups the user is a member of

// Create a VBarray to hold the filter value (yes, it is a kludge)
VB_array = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
VB_array.add("Group", "");
VBGroupFilter = VB_array.Keys();

// Get the IADsContainer object for the computer
oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" + sComputerName);

//Filter the IADsContainer so that only objects that
//are groups show up when looking at it
oDomain.Filter = VBGroupFilter;

//Create an enumerator object so that we can step through all the groups
//in the local domain
eDomain = new Enumerator(oDomain)

//Use a for loop to step through the enumerator and look at all the groups
i = 0; //Initialize counter to step through array
for (;!eDomain.atEnd();eDomain.moveNext()){
//Since oDomain is filtered by group, each eDomain item is a group
oGroup = eDomain.item();
ShowStatus("Checking membership in group " + oGroup.Name + "....");
//Use the IsMember() method to find out if user is in the group
if ( oGroup.IsMember("WinNT://" + sUserDomain + "/" + sUserName) ){
//Add a new property to indicate where the membership comes from
gaMembershipFrom[i] = sUserName;
//Store the group in the array, increment array counter
aGroups[i++] = oGroup;
//Show the groups as they come up
//Now loop through all global groups that the user is a member of
//and check to see if those global groups belong to the local group
//Necessary since the .IsMember method doesn't check to see if a
//a user is in the global groups that are members of the local group
for (j =0; j < aGlobalGroups.length; j++){
ShowStatus("Checking membership in group " + oGroup.Name + "....");
if ( oGroup.IsMember("WinNT://" + sUserDomain + "/" + aGlobalGroups[j].Name) ){
//Now check against the last local group added to list to see if
//the user is already a member to prevent adding duplicate names
//since (i) was incremented, need to use (i-1) to get current group
if (aGroups[i-1].Name != oGroup.Name){
gaMembershipFrom[i] = aGlobalGroups[j].Name;
aGroups[i++] = oGroup;
} else {
//Add current global group name to the MembershipFrom list
gaMembershipFrom[i-1] += "<br>" + aGlobalGroups[j].Name;
ShowStatus("Done getting local group membership");
return (aGroups);
} // End function Get_UserLocalGroups(){

// IE and display Functions

// Creates the IE window
// Require the object ie.
function BuildOutputWindow(){
var n = 0; //dummy variable while waiting for IE to start
var s = ""; //String that holds the HTML to build window

//Set window properties
ie.height = 480;
ie.width = 640;
ie.menubar = false;
ie.toolbar = false;
ie.statusbar = false;
ie.addressbar = false;
ie.resizable = true;
ie.navigate ("about:blank");

//Loop while IE is opening
while (ie.busy) {++n};

ie.document.body.innerHTML = "Building Document..." + "<br>load time= " + n;
ie.visible = true;

//Start building document. Each element is given an ID for DHTML use
//Single quotes are used to prevent having to escape double quotes
//Newlines are thrown in to make it easier to read if sent to a file

//The banner element
s += '<h3 id="Banner_id" onclick="tests()">Group Membership</h3>\n';

//The status element, not to be confused with the status bar
s += '<p id="Status_id">Building Document...</p>\n';

//The user data element (holds PC name, user name, domain)
s += '<p id="UserData_id">No user data</p>\n';

//The global groups element
s += '<p id="GlobalGroups_id">No global groups<p>\n';

//The local groups element
s += '<p id="LocalGroups_id">No local groups<p>\n';

//Show the HTML
ie.document.body.innerHTML = s;

//End function BuildOutputWindow(){

//Shows HTML text in IE window in element labeled "Status_id"
function ShowStatus(sCurrStatus){
ie.document.all.item("Status_id").innerHTML = sCurrStatus;
//End function ShowStatus("sCurrStatus")
//Shows HTML text in IE window in element labeled "UserData_id"
function ShowUserData(){
var s = ""

//Puts it in a table
s += '<b>User Info</b> ';
s += '<table>\n';
s += '<tr><td width="33%" align=center><u>User Name</u></td>';
s += '<td width="33%" align=center><u>Domain Name</u></td>';
s += '<td align=center><u>Computer Name</u></td></tr>\n';
s += '<tr><td align=center>' + gsUserName + '</td>';
s += '<td align=center>' + gsUserDomain + '</td>';
s += '<td align=center>' + gsComputerName + '</td></tr>';
s += '</table>'
ie.document.all.item("UserData_id").innerHTML = s;
//End function ShowUserData()

//Shows HTML text in IE window in element labeled "GlobalGroupData_id"
function ShowGlobalGroupData(aGroups){
var s = ""; i = 0;

//Puts it in a table
s += '<b>Global Group Membership</b> ';
s += '<table cellspacing=10>\n'
s += '<tr><td width="25%"><u>Group Name</u></td>';
s += '<td><u>Description</u></td></tr>\n'
//Create each table row
for (i=0; i<aGroups.length; i++){
s += '<tr><td>' + aGroups[i].Name + '</td>';
s += '<td>' + aGroups[i].Description + '</td></tr>\n'
s += '</table>'
ie.document.all.item("GlobalGroups_id").innerHTML = s;
//End function ShowGlobalGroupData(){

//Shows HTML text in IE window in element labeled "LocalGroupData_id"
function ShowLocalGroupData(aGroups){
var s = ""; i = 0;

//Puts it in a table
s += '<b>Local Group Membership</b><br>';
s += '<table cellspacing=10>\n'
s += '<tr><td width="25%" valign=top><u>Group Name</u></td>';
s += '<td width="25%" valign=top><u>Gets Membership From</u></td>\n'
s += '<td valign=top><u>Description</u></td></tr>\n'
//Create each table row
for (i=0; i<aGroups.length; i++){
s += '<tr><td valign=top>' + aGroups[i].Name + '</td>';
s += '<td valign=top>' + gaMembershipFrom[i] + '</td>\n'
s += '<td valign=top>' + aGroups[i].Description + '</td></tr>\n'
s += '</table>'
ie.document.all.item("LocalGroups_id").innerHTML = s;
//End function ShowLocalGroupData(){

If you run (save it as script.js or something else) the script, u get the desired information, the question ist how sould we place this script into a php page, to get these 2 values, when the student registers ??

any help would be appreciated

Ioannis E. Ntentopoulos
Omiros College, Greece
First I would like to say that ActiveXObject will only work in IE.

Ok I will give you a nice createRequestObject function, written by Ober.

function createRequestObject() {
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, Opera...
        var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if (xmlhttp.overrideMimeType)
else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
        try {
            var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        } catch (e) {
            try {
                var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            } catch (e) {}

    if (!xmlhttp) {
        alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
        return false;
return xmlhttp;

var http = createRequestObject();

Now say you are wanting to post something to a php script.. You could do something like this.

function sendRequest() {
    var field = document.getElementById('yourfield').value;
    http.open('POST', 'yourscript.php');
    http.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    //send the field to the file
    http.send('field=' + field);
    //the handle request is a function that will handle the response from the php file
    http.onreadystatechange = handleRequest;

function handleRequest() {
    if (http.readyState == 4) {
      //the response from the php file
      var response = http.responseText;
      if (response == 'your error message') {
          alert('There was an error in sending the request');
      } else {
          alert('It worked');

Good Luck,
Tom, thank you for ur reply, hope im can get that thing to work , not so familiar in JS. Also, i know that ActiveXObject is only for IE, not very happy with that, but 4 now i have to accept that :(

I hope, that i can bother again, if i have problems

thank u in advance
ok, here it is how far i could get through by myself

var  gsUserName, gsComputerName;

function Get_ComputerName(){
  var  WshNetwork  = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
  return (WshNetwork.ComputerName);

function Get_UserName(){
  var  WshNetwork  = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
  return  (WshNetwork.UserName);

so... in my opinion the 2 GET functions (Get_ComputerName and Get_UserName) should show the required data if they where called somewhere in the file, right ???

my question is, how can i put this code into a single php file, the 2 GET functions should somehow do what they sould do, and afterwards, how to put the results of the 2 GETs into a simple php variable, something like

$variable_UserName = gsUserName ;
$variable_ComputerName = gsComputerName ;
...as i said, i know nothng about JS :(

i did a lite version of my first code

var  ie = new ActiveXObject ("InternetExplorer.Application");

var  gsUserName, gsComputerName;

  gsUserName    = Get_UserName();
  gsComputerName = Get_ComputerName();

function Get_ComputerName(){
  var  WshNetwork  = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
  return (WshNetwork.ComputerName);

function Get_UserName(){
  var  WshNetwork  = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Network");
  return  (WshNetwork.UserName);

function BuildOutputWindow(){
  var  n = 0;
  var  s = "";

  ie.height      = 480;
  ie.width      = 640;
  ie.menubar    = false;
  ie.toolbar    = false;
  ie.statusbar  = false;
  ie.addressbar  = false;
  ie.resizable  = true;
  ie.navigate ("about:blank");

  while (ie.busy) {++n};

  ie.document.body.innerHTML = "Building Document..." + "<br>load time= " + n;
  ie.visible = true;
  s += '<p id="UserData_id">No user data</p>\n';
  ie.document.body.innerHTML = s;


function ShowStatus(sCurrStatus){
  ie.document.all.item("Status_id").innerHTML = sCurrStatus;

function ShowUserData(){
  var  s = ""
  s += '<table>\n';
  s += '<tr><td width="33%" align=center><u>User Name</u></td>';
  s += '<td align=center><u>Computer Name</u></td></tr>\n';
  s += '<tr><td align=center>' + gsUserName + '</td>';
  s += '<td align=center>' + gsComputerName + '</td></tr>';
  s += '</table>'
  ie.document.all.item("UserData_id").innerHTML = s;

saved it, and double clicked it, a popup window came up and the requested info was there.

there must be a way to merge that script into a single php file , or not ?

i posted also a screenshot with the info i got from the js, when i doubleclicked it

[attachment deleted by admin]
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