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How can API query be presented nicely on results page

Go to solution Solved by mac_gyver,

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Hi Professional


I have a webpage like called testrest.php attached which pulls in results from an api query, it is very basic



the problem is it pulls on many many results in a format I am not sure how to present on a results page.


Is there a way to get around this


please see webpage and results out put




API Results.txt

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you can do anything you want with the data (that's the point of programming, to get a general purpose computer to do what you want.)


you can loop through the repeated data by using (untested) -

foreach($json_arr['HotelListResponse']['HotelList']['HotelSummary'] as $arr){

    // $arr will be an array of each hotel's data


the elements of the $arr array inside the above loop would be referenced like -  $arr['name'], $arr['city'], ... you could either hard code the references or you could make an array of the element names, then just loop over that defining array and dynamically reference those element in the $arr array.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

ok I have tried to make this more simple for clarity sake, I am downloading a straightforward json file.


when I put the url into the browser it prompts me to open or save the file which is fine


when I run the php file I try to do the same and output the data to screen but trouble is it is blank


am I missing something here is the very basic page


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your url contains some $, which when inside a double-quoted string are treated as php variables.


you need to have php's error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON so that php will help you by reporting all the errors it detects.


you can correct the current problem by switching to single-quotes around the url string.

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