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MySQL Duplicate Rows


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I have an excel spreadsheet that I can enter into a table and manipulate far faster in MySQL. The issue is that the rows are Duplicated. The structure is shown below.


Part Number | Description | Qty | Cost | OEM Resale

ABC            | Switch       | 1     | 1.00 | 3.5

ABC            | Switch       |25    | 1.00 | 2.75


Desired Result

Part Number | Description | Qty1 | Cost1 | OEM Resale1 | Qty2 | Cost2| Resale2


I would like to have them in separate columns. I'm using phpmyadmin to write my querys. Is this at all possible? The best i've seen is the concat function which once i get past description would put all remaining data into one field that has been comma separated. I could do that and transfer back to excel. 


I ask as the file that I'm using is 30K+ rows and the coworker i'm setting this up for gets this file in the same format to evaluate about 5 times a year





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databases are relational, so use them. You have duplication that you need to normalise. Part number and descirption could be moved into a parts table. then you could have an orders table. so would look like:

// parts table

id | part_number | part_description
 1     ABC           Switch

//orders table:

id | part_id | Qty | Cost | OEM_Resale
 1      1       1     1.00   3.5
 2      1       25    1.00   2.75

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