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Form Problem


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Two questions actually...


1.  I have created a modal popup (css) with some form and php database info inside. I want to create a simple pulldown that will allow me to change the contents of one field. Heres what i have done (most of the Mysql and declarations left out for brevity)

 while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
                                echo "<div id=\"editProvider\" class=\"modalEdit\">";
                                 echo "<div>
                                    <a href=\"#close\" title=\"Close\" class=\"close\">X</a>";
                                  echo  "<p>Current Provider for: ";
                                   echo $row['firstname'] ." " . $row['lastname'] . " is " . $row['assignedcounselor'] . "<br>";
                                 echo "<p>Select a New Provider";
                                  echo "<form action=\"editClient.php\" method=\"post\"> ";
                                  echo "<select name=\"assignedCounselor\">";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Dr. Dolittle\">Dr. DoLittle</option>";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Mr. Magoo\">Mr. Magoo</option>";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Jerry Atric\">Jerry Atric</option>";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Sheldon Cooper\">Sheldon Cooper</option>";
                                    echo "</select>";
                                   echo "<input type=\"submit\" value =\"Update\">"; 
                                   echo "</form>";
                                   echo "</p>";
                               echo "</div>";
                             echo "</div>"; 
                                 } // End While

Example Output is attached. So, everything works as expected until i get to the INPUT TYPE line and i cant produce a Submit Button? Thats all. What have i done wrong or am i overlooking?


2. I realize there is an awful lot of echo statements here and wonder is there a cleaner way to code this without putting it inside the while loop but still having the DB info avaialble?




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If you look at your html code that's produced, you should notice that the form was printed for every loop! The format of your form doesn't need a loop, so you can put it above or below it.

<div id="editProvider" class="modalEdit">";
	<a href="#close" title="Close" class="close">X</a>";
		<p>Current Provider for:

				while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
				echo $row['firstname'] ." " . $row['lastname'] . " is " . $row['assignedcounselor'] . "<br>";

			<p>Select a New Provider";
				<form action="editClient.php" method="post">
					<select name="assignedCounselor">
						<option value="Dr. Dolittle">Dr. DoLittle</option>
						<option value="Mr. Magoo">Mr. Magoo</option>
						<option value="Jerry Atric">Jerry Atric</option>
						<option value="Sheldon Cooper">Sheldon Cooper</option>
					<input type="submit" value ="Update">

Edited by iwpg
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Well actually, i didnt show the rest of the code but i select a user and so i only get one return in the while loop so thats not the problem. The modal pops up on top of a longer list of things..  Really my problem is getting the Submit button to display. Thanks for your reply.

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I don't think that this would have anything to do with it, but  value="Update" has a space after =. Also, you can remove the loop since it's just one record.

<div id="editProvider" class="modalEdit">
	<a href="#close" title="Close" class="close">X</a>
		<p>Current Provider for:
			$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
			echo $row['firstname'] ." " . $row['lastname'] . " is " . $row['assignedcounselor'] . "<br>";
			<p>Select a New Provider";
				<form action="editClient.php" method="post">
					<select name="assignedCounselor">
						<option value="Dr. Dolittle">Dr. DoLittle</option>
						<option value="Mr. Magoo">Mr. Magoo</option>
						<option value="Jerry Atric">Jerry Atric</option>
						<option value="Sheldon Cooper">Sheldon Cooper</option>
					<input type="submit" value="Update">
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Ok.. i was trying to avoid putting all this code in but here it is..

                                  // DEFINE THE QUERY
                                  $clientid = $_GET['clientid'];
                                  $query = "SELECT * ";
                                  $query .= "FROM newclienttable ";
                                  $query .= "WHERE _rowid_ = " . "'" . $clientid . "'";
                                  //echo "<strong>This is the Query: " . $query . "</strong><br>";
                                  // PERFORM DB QUERY
                                  $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
                                   if (!$result) {
                                           die("Database Query Failed: " . mysql_error());
                                   } else {
                                          // echo "<br><strong>Query Successful. The ClientID is: " . $clientid . "</strong><br>";
                                   // Use Returned Data
                                  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
                        // ---------------  Accordion Display Start  ----------------------------->
                                        echo "<div>"; // Div to store Client Information 
                                           echo "<input id=\"ac-1\" name=\"accordion-1\" type=\"checkbox\" checked />";
                                            echo "<label for=\"ac-1\">Client Information -   ( ";
                                            echo $row['assignedcounselor'] . " )";
                                            echo "</label>";
                                            echo "<article class=\"ac-auto\">";
                                               echo "<table class=\"h3 bordered zebra-striped\">";  
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Patient Name (" . $row['childadult'];
                                               echo ")</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['firstname'] ." ". $row['lastname'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";   
                                               //  Variables to Calcualate Age
                                               $monthnum = $row['birthmonth'];
                                               $monthnum = date_parse($monthnum);
                                               $patientsbirthday = $row['birthday']. "/" . $monthnum['month'] ."/".$row['birthyear'];
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Birthday</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['birthmonth'] . "-" . $row['birthday'] . "-". $row['birthyear'];
                                               echo "  (" . age($patientsbirthday) . ")";
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               // Age function and Display Complete
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Patient EMail </td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['emailpatient'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Patient SSN</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['ssnpatient'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Address</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['streetaddress'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Address</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['streetaddress2'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>City</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               if (($row['cityselect']) == "Other") {
                                                 echo $row['othercity'];
                                               } else {
                                               echo $row['cityselect'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>State</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                                if (($row['stateselect']) == "Other") {
                                                 echo $row['otherstate'];
                                               } else {
                                               echo $row['stateselect'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Zip Code</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['zipcode'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                              echo "</table>";  
                                            echo "</article>";
                                           echo "</div>"; 
                                          if (($row['childadult']) =='Child') {
                                           echo "<div>"; // Div to store Child Info
                                             echo  "<input id=\"ac-2\" name=\"accordion-1\" type=\"checkbox\" />";
                                             echo "<label for=\"ac-2\">CHILD CLIENT INFO</label>";
                                             echo "<article class=\"ac-auto\">";
                                             echo "<table class=\"h3 bordered zebra-striped\">";  
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Presenting</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['patientproblem'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Service Requested</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['servicestype'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Client Expectations</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['patientexpectations'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Client Physician</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['patientphysician'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Client Meds</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['patientmeds'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Childs Development History</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['childdevhistory'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Childs Leadership</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['childhistoryleadership'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>";      
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Childs Milestones</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['childhistorymilestones'];
                                             echo "</td></tr>"; 
                                           if (($row['childadopted']) =='Yes') {
                                             echo "<tr>";
                                             echo "<td>Was Child Adopted</td>";
                                             echo "<td>";
                                             echo $row['childadopted'] ." - ";
                                             echo "(at age " .  $row['adoptedage'].")";
                                             echo "</td></tr>"; 
                                           } // End Adopted
                                           echo "</table>";   
                                           echo "</article>";  
                                          echo "</div>";
                                        } // End if CHILD
                                        echo "<div>"; // Div to store Client Insurance Info
                                           echo  "<input id=\"ac-3\" name=\"accordion-1\" type=\"checkbox\" />";
                                           echo "<label for=\"ac-3\">INSURANCE INFORMATION</label>";
                                           echo "<article class=\"ac-auto\">";
                                           echo "<table class=\"h3 bordered zebra-striped\">";  
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Primary Insurance</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";         
                                           if (($row['insuredyn']) == "None") {
                                             echo "UNINSURED";
                                           } else {
                                              if (($row['insuranceprimary']) == "Other") {
                                                  echo $row['insuredotherprimary'];
                                           } else {
                                                   echo $row['insuranceprimary'];
                                           // End Primary Insurance Header  
                                           if (($row['insuredyn']) !== "None") {    
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Primary Insurance Phone</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['insurancepriphone'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Primary Insurance Account #</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['insurancepriacct'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Primary Insurance: INSURED</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['insurancepriname'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               echo "<tr>";
                                               echo "<td>Primary Insurance: SSN</td>";
                                               echo "<td>";
                                               echo $row['insuranceprissn'];
                                               echo "</td></tr>";
                                               // Test and Display if client has both Primary and Secondary Insurance 
                                       if (($row['insuredyn']) == "Primary and Secondary") {
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Secondary Insurance</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";         
                                              if (($row['insurancesecondary']) == "Other") {
                                                  echo $row['insuredothersec'];
                                           } else {
                                                   echo $row['insurancesecondary'];
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Secondary Insurance: PHONE</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['insurancesecphone'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Secondary Insurance: ACCOUNT</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['insurancesecacct'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Secondary Insurance: INSURED</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['insurancesecname'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Secondary Insurance: SSN</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['insurancesecssn'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                       } else {
                                           // NO SECONDARY INSURANCE
                                          // End Primary Secondary Insurance condition

                                               echo "</table>";   
                                             echo "</article>";
                                            echo "</div>"; // End Div for Client Insurance Info 
                                            echo "<div>"; // Div to store Misc Info
                                            echo  "<input id=\"ac-4\" name=\"accordion-1\" type=\"checkbox\" />";
                                            echo "<label for=\"ac-4\">REFERRAL AND CONTACT</label>";
                                            echo "<article class=\"ac-auto\">";
                                            echo "<table class=\"h3 bordered zebra-striped\">";       
                                           echo "<td>Courtesy Call Requested</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['courtesycallyn'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Leave Message on Ansering Machine</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['courtesycallmachine'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Courtesy Call Number</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['courtesycallnum'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<th colspan=\"2\" class=\"formheader\">Reference</th>";
                                           echo "</tr>";
                                           echo "<tr>";
                                           echo "<td>Referred by</td>";
                                           echo "<td>";
                                           echo $row['clientreferral'];
                                           echo "</td></tr>";
                                          echo "</table>";   
                                          echo "</article>";
                                          echo "</div>"; 
                                //  Edit Provider Function
                                echo "<div id=\"editProvider\" class=\"modalEdit\">";
                                 echo "<div>
                                    <a href=\"#close\" title=\"Close\" class=\"close\">X</a>";
                                  echo  "<p>Current Provider for: ";
                                   echo $row['firstname'] ." " . $row['lastname'] . " is " . $row['assignedProvider'] . "<br>";
                                 echo "<p>Select a New Provider";
                                  echo "<form action=\"editClient.php\" method=\"post\"> ";
                                  echo "<select name=\"assignedCounselor\">";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Dr. Dolittle\">Dr. DoLittle</option>";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Mr. Magoo\">Mr. Magoo</option>";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Jerry Atric\">Jerry Atric</option>";
                                      echo "<option value=\"Sheldon Cooper\">Sheldon Cooper</option>";
                                    echo "</select>";
                                   echo "<input type=\"submit\" value =\"Update\">"; 
                                   echo "</form>";
                                   echo "</p>";
                               echo "</div>";
                             echo "</div>"; 
                                 } // End While
<div align="center" class = "4u login-box">  <!-- Same row, 3 more cells  -->  
                               <h2 align="center">Detail Functions</h2><br>            
                                     if (isset($_SESSION['display_name'])) {
                                          echo "<a href=\"receptionlist.php\">Patient List</a></br>";
                                           // unset($_SESSION['activate']);
                                          } else {
                                              echo "<a href=\"resp_patient_info.php\">Client Registration</a></br>";
                                      if ($_SESSION['role'] == "Reception") {
                                          echo "<a href=\"#editProvider\">Edit Client</a></br>";
                                      <a href="logout.php">Logout</a>

Bottom line is i cant get the SUBMIT button to display. Thanks.

Edited by shackwm60
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you ARE seeing the submmit button??! Thats odd.. i am trying all three of those browsers too.. i will check the css



pffft.. geez.. i just turned of the css in my browser and there it is! well i must have an errant submit style tag somewhere.. thanks!

Edited by shackwm60
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