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PHP Sign Up Form


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Im having trouble with my simple sign up form. I think the form code is fine as that is pretty easy but its the process part im having trouble with. Here is the connect to database code


include "./includes/connect.php";
include "./includes/lists.php";
include "./includes/functions.php";



and here is the process code that im stuck on


        $username = $_POST['liusername'];
        $password = $_POST['lipassword'];
        $emailAddress = $_POST['liemail'];
        $firstName = $_POST['lifirstname'];
        $surname = $_POST['lisurname'];
        $DOB = $_POST['lidob'];
        $city = $_POST['licity'];
        $sports = $_POST['lisports'];
        $query = "INSERT INTO `user`
        (user_username, user_password, user_email, user_firstname, user_surname, user_dob, user_city)
        VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', '$firstName', '$surname', '$DOB', '$city')";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            if($result) {
            echo "User Created Successfully.";



Thanks!!! :)


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So what is the issue? Any errors? if so post them here.


The only problem I see is you are not validating/sanitizing your users input and you left of the closing brace for the if statement }

if($result) {
            echo "User Created Successfully.";
} // <-- this is missing
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While im here, once i create the user and log in ive set it to display, 'login has been sucessful' but as soon as i click on another link it logs back out again. Any ideas on how i get it to permenatly stay logged in once ive logged in, so even if i click on another page, the user still stays loggin in? ::)

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While im here, once i create the user and log in ive set it to display, 'login has been sucessful' but as soon as i click on another link it logs back out again. Any ideas on how i get it to permenatly stay logged in once ive logged in, so even if i click on another page, the user still stays loggin in? ::)


You could use PHP sessions:


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While im here, once i create the user and log in ive set it to display, 'login has been sucessful' but as soon as i click on another link it logs back out again. Any ideas on how i get it to permenatly stay logged in once ive logged in, so even if i click on another page, the user still stays loggin in? ::)

You need to implement sessions. So on every page start the session ( session_start() )


Upon successfull login you set a logged in session token

$_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;

Now on any page the requires the user to be logged in you check for this token. If it is not set, or is not set to true then you'd redirect the user to the login page. So you'd have code like this for at the top of your restricted pages


if(!isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) || (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && $_SESSION['logged_in'] !== true))
    // redirect user to the login page
    header('Location: login.php');

// display restricted content
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