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Two actions on one button?

Mr Chris

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Hi Guys,

I have a php page which i've written - this:

1) Finds an area via a GET function ie:

2) Says how many records are associated with the_town (fife in this example) in a table named ‘directory_listings’

3) And calls out values from a table named ‘prop_areas’ into a combo box.

And an example of what I’m doing can be found here:




// Get the townl address from the URL
$actual_town = $_GET['the_town'];

//Start Connection to DB
function db_connect()
$result = @mysql_pconnect("localhost", "*******************", "************");
if (!$result)
return false;

if (!@mysql_select_db("sleaz_directory"))
return false;

return $result;
//End Connection to DB

// Check the connection to the database
$can_i_connect = db_connect(); // by db_connect function is in my include file
    echo "Could not connect to database";

// End the connection to the database

// Start Functions to pull out areas

function db_result_to_array($result)
  $res_array = array();

  for ($count=0; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $count++)
    $res_array[$count] = $row;

  return $res_array;

function get_areas() {
    $query='SELECT * FROM prop_areas ORDER BY the_region';
        return false;
    if((0 || FALSE)==mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $result;

// End Functions to pull out areas


<title>Search Results ...</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<p>// Remember front screen dictakes what is deleted<p>You are about to delete the area: <b><?php echo $actual_town; ?></b>
<p>You have <b>

$actual_town = $_GET['the_town'];

$search_query = "SELECT * FROM directory_listings WHERE town='$actual_town'"; 

$search_results = mysql_query($search_query, $can_i_connect);
$result = mysql_query($search_query) or die (mysql_error());

$number_of_results = mysql_num_rows($search_results);

if($number_of_results <= 0)
echo "There are currently <b>NO</b> businesses associated with this area";

// Else and Start to find how many pagination pages I have
        echo "<b>**WARNING: There are ".$number_of_results." business(es). associated with this area.  Where yould you like to move these ".$number_of_results." business(es) **  <br /><br />";
<p><font color="#CC0000">Which area would you like to Move these areas to:?</font><br />
<br />
<FORM NAME="form1" METHOD="post" ACTION="">
Area: <select class="input" name="location" id="location">
<option value="" selected> </option>
foreach ($area_array as $thisarea) {
  print("<option value=\"".$thisarea['the_region']."\">".$thisarea['the_region']."</option>\n");
<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Delete Area &amp; Move to Chosen Dropdown Option">


Now when submit is hit I want the page to do two things (this is what I’m stuck on):

1) Update the ‘propeties’ table to whatever is selected from the dropdown menu value replacing what the GET value is in $actual_town
2) Delete the GET value in $actual_town

Now I’ve written how I thought the two queries would work:

// Start Update records from database
$query = "UPDATE properties SET town = '$area_array' WHERE town = '$actual_town'";
// Ie Update table properties and set the town field to what is selected from the below combo box where the town in table properties is equal to the GET actual_town (called on top of the script)

mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); 
// End Update records from database

// Start Delete records from database
$query = "DELETE FROM prop_areas WHERE the_region = '$actual_town'";
mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); 
// End Delete records from database


But how do I get that into One query so when submit is hit ONCE it performes two queries  - updates one table, then deletes the other?

And also my Update Query does not get the value selected from the combo box to update it in the ‘properties’ table?

Can anyone please help me with the queries?


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