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Looking for a little help creating a DB class.


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I'm trying to make a very simple DB class, but haven't quite gotten the hang for using classes, to put it mildly.

Anyway, I'm making this class, with just a few functions, mainly to make, and use a class. Expanding on it later when I have a working one, should not be a big problem.

The class is, as mentioned, a database class, I want it to have the following 3 functions:
-Open a connection, with variables listed within the class
-Execute a query
-Close connection.

My own feeble attempt:
class database {

var $dbhost = 'serveradress';
var $dbusername = 'username';
var $dbpasswd = 'password'; 
var $database_name = 'dbname';

//open connection.
function sqlOpen($dbhost,$dbusername,$dbpasswd) {
$connection = mysql_connect("$dbhost","$dbusername","$dbpasswd")
or die ("Couldn't connect to server.");

$db = mysql_select_db("$database_name", $connection)
or die("Couldn't select database.");

return $db;

//close connection.
function sqlClose($connection) {

As you can see, I haven't included any code for executing a query, but I don't think that will pose a huge problem.

Anyway, if someone could help me out or point me in the correct direction, and perhaps give me an example of how a class like this would be used (spesifically the opening of a database connection) I would be very very grateful :)

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So let me get this straight. Youve made a class but don't know how to use it? Firstly... you really dont need the sqlOpen function to return anything, just have it set a private connection variable that can then be used within the class.

Really, the class itself should take care of instigating connections too, you shouldn't need to specifically call a method to open a connection.

Basically, all the code in your example isn't really needed (or wanted) within a database class.
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As I said, it was a feeble attempt, I know that it isn't correct, which is why I'm asking for help :]

[quote]Really, the class itself should take care of instigating connections too, you shouldn't need to specifically call a method to open a connection.[/quote]

This is what I've read elsewhere as well, but I haven't been able to find a good example, so I don't really understand how I do it.
[quote]Basically, all the code in your example isn't really needed (or wanted) within a database class.[/quote]

How does one close a database connection then (manually, I know that it isn't usually necessary)

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You should code your class on a different approach:

What should this class do ?
- Create a connection
- Execute queries with the made connection
- Close your connection if asked.
What shouldn't this class do?
- Error handling !!!
- Configuration !!!


class database {
  private $config = $GLOBALS['dbConfig'];
  private $db = null;
  public $errorMessage = null;
  function database($dbName) {
    $this->db = mysql_connect($this->config['dbHost'], $this->config['dbUser'], $this->config['dbPassword'])
    or $this->errorMessage = mysql_error();
    if($this->db) {
      mysql_select_db($dbName, $this->db) or $this->errorMessage = mysql_error();

  function sqlClose() {
  mysql_close($this->db)or $this->errorMessage = mysql_error();

  function sqlQuery($query) {
    $results = null;
    $results = mysql_query($query, $this->db) or $this->errorMessage = mysql_error();
    return $results;

  function getErrorMessage() {
    return $errorMessage;

How to use this class:

$db = new database('DatabaseName');  // Makes connection
// Your script that uses the class chooses whatever to do with the generated errors !!!
if($error = $db->getErrorMessage()) {

$query = "SELECT * FROM table";
if(!$results = $db->sqlQuery($query)) {
// Again: Your script that uses the class chooses whatever to do with the generated errors !!!

if(!$db->sqlClose()) {
  // And again: Your script that uses the class chooses whatever to do with the generated errors !!!

This script does not wanna know how the connection is made, does not wanna know the db connection link !!!
This script handles the database errors output !!!

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Thanks alot, lets see if I understand it all :>

[code]require_once('dbConfiguration.inc.php');[/code] ok, this is where i put my configuration, in your example it would look something like this?
//configuration file for databaseconnection.
$dbconfig['dbHost'] = 'databasehost';
$dbconfig['dbUser'] = 'databaseusername';
$dbconfig['dbPassword'] = 'databasepass'; 

The rest of the code is pretty self explanatory, so I won't ask stupid questions about that :]

You are absolutely correct about seperating the errorhandling and configuration, I should have though about that myself, but as I mentioned, I'm fairly new to the OO approach :)

Thanks again for your help :)

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The idee to seperate your error handling from all other classes is to create a class specially for this.
Now you could make a class errors or something like that that will keep all your generated errors into
a database (by using your database class) or error log file. And on every page of your application/site
you could aks the errorClass the latest error to display if any new errors where added.

something like:

$cError = new Error();
$cDatabase = new Database();

$cDatabase = new Database('databaseName');
if($error = $cDatabase->getErrorMessage()) {
$cError->add(ERROR_CRITICAL, $error);

And you could add in your pages header or footer:
if($cError->newError()) {
  $echo "<font color='red'>" . $cError->lastError() . "</font>";

And indeed in your dbConfiguration.inc.php you put all your configurations.

You should know that programming OO is to extract all specific functionalities into an object/class and only these specific functionalities. So if you create a database class you should only create the functionalities that concern databases into this class. And so on ...
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