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We have a nicely working smtp contact form, however the form redirects to the contact.php file as default I presume, when we want it to go to a thank you page. Can you [please take a look at the code below and clarify where I need to put the thank you page URL;


$redirect_url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //Redirect URL after submit the form

$mail->From = $mail->Username;    //Default From email same as smtp user
$mail->FromName = "Mobile website";

$mail->AddAddress("[email protected]", "Mobile Website"); //Email address where you wish to receive/collect those emails.

$mail->WordWrap = 50;                                 // set word wrap to 50 characters
$mail->IsHTML(true);                                  // set email format to HTML

$mail->Subject = $_POST['Enquiry'];
$message = "Name: ".$_POST['name']." \r\n <br>Email Address: ".$_POST['email']." \r\n <br> Phone: ".$_POST['phone']." \r\n <br> Vehicle: ".$_POST['select']." \r\n <br> Dates: ".$_POST['dates'];
$mail->Body    = $message;

   echo "Message could not be sent. <p>";
   echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;

echo "Message has been sent";
header("Location: $redirect_url");


I have tried replacing the http:// but this returns a page underfined error on submission?


We appreciate your help on this one guys :0)





The redirect happens here:

header("Location: $redirect_url");

To redirect to a different page, you'll need to modify the entire value of $redirect_url. More information about the header() function can be found here:


("Location:http://www.thankyou.com") didn't redirect and actually stopped the functionality of the form completely.


At the moment, as I said it redirects to contact.php which from a viewer point of view isn't meant to be viewed.


I really need this to work guys any other ideas please ???

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