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Database Headache


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I have the following username in my database


However, I cant find where it is! And it wont appear in a search such as

[code]SELECT *
FROM `members`
`username` = "????s???????????????"
LIMIT 0 , 30[/code]

I have a feeling the '?' character is confusing MYSQL.

I need to find and delete that entry, any ideas how?
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Didnt return anything

Basically what im trying to do, is convert a field from ascii_binary to ascii_general so that it is not case sensitive

However, to acheieve that, their cant be any duplicate usernames

When I try and change it to ascii_general it tells me that their is a duplicate entry of that username with all the question marks

[code]SQL query:

ALTER TABLE `members` CHANGE `username` `username` VARCHAR( 20 ) CHARACTER SET armscii8 COLLATE armscii8_general_ci NOT NULL

MySQL said: Documentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry '????s???????????????' for key 2 [/code]

really stuck
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Nope, that just returned 19 pages of 30 rows, checked through each manually and it wasnt their

This is a nightmare.

Surely their must be a more straight forward way to convert from Binary to Ascii... on a field that is unique

Is their any way to force it and delete any duplicates it finds
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Sorted !!

The question marks where not actually question marks

They where just being shown on screen as question marks because of the charset

I did this to narrow the search results

Try WHERE username LIKE '____s___________%'

And it came up fine

Now converted

Thanks guys!
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