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Problems accessing nodes after using simplexml_load_file

Go to solution Solved by boompa,

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I'm having trouble accessing data with simpleXML_load_file


I have a working script that loads an XML-file and outputs in a proprietary format that I've written, but for some reason I can't get it to work with this second set of XML-files.


Loading the file seems to work fine. I load the file into a variable, and can print the contents of the file using echo $xml -> asXML();


However, when I try to access a single node using: 

echo $xml->{'SOAP-ENV:Envelope'}->{'SOAP-ENV:Body'}->Order->OrderHeader->OrderNumber->BuyerOrderNumber;

I get the following error:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\www\convert_uio.php on line 28


XML-file looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
		<nseps:endpoints SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:nseps="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/endpoint.nsendpoint">
		<nsprop:properties SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:nsprop="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/property.nsproperty">
		<Order xmlns="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v3_5/xcbl35.xsd"> 
					<Language LanguageDependent="false">
									<ContactName>Some Name</ContactName>
										<AgencyCodedOther>VAT Number</AgencyCodedOther>
								<Name1>Name 2</Name1>
								<PostalCode> 0314</PostalCode>
											<ContactNumberValue>47 0000000</ContactNumberValue>
									<Ident />
								<Name2>Name2 </Name2>
								<StreetSupplement1>0318 Oslo</StreetSupplement1>
								<County />
						<TransportDescription />
				<OrderHeaderNote />
										<PartID />
								<ItemDescription>Normal frakt, pris 20 NOK</ItemDescription>
										<PartID />
								<ItemDescription>Hovedtariffavtalen i staten 1. mai 2014 - 30. april 2016 (p.100kr)</ItemDescription>
  • Solution

One way to do this, although I must admit I don't understand why people seem to insist on parsing SOAP responses rather than using SoapClient:


$xml = simplexml_load_file('soap.xml');
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('SOAP-ENV', "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope");
$body = $xml->xpath('SOAP-ENV:Body')[0];
echo $body->Order->OrderHeader->OrderNumber->BuyerOrderNumber;

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