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URL Change

Go to solution Solved by hansford,

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include ("files/viator/api.php");
$page = new PhpCode();
$current_page = $page->curPageURL();
$_SESSION['last_page'] = $current_page ;

function seoUrl($string) {
    //Lower case everything
    $string = strtolower($string);
    //Make alphanumeric (removes all other characters)
    $string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_\s-]/", "", $string);
    //Clean up multiple dashes or whitespaces
    $string = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", " ", $string);
    //Convert whitespaces and underscore to dash
    $string = preg_replace("/[\s_]/", "-", $string);
    return $string;
if(isset($_GET['submit']) && !empty($_GET['submit'])) {
    $lookupId       = $_GET['lookupId'];
    $dest_code      = $_GET['dest_code'];
    $currency_code  = $_GET['currency_code'];
    $sortOrder      = $_GET['sortOrder'];
    $catId          = $_GET['catId'];
    $subcategoryId  = $_GET['subcategoryId'];
    $country_name   = $_GET['country_name'];
    $state_name     = $_GET['state_name'];
    $country_dest_id= $_GET['country_dest_id'];
    $check_in	    = $_GET['check_in'];
    $check_out	    = $_GET['check_out'];
    if($dest_code =='' && $country_dest_id != '') {
        $dest_code = $country_dest_id;
} else if(isset($_GET['search_submit']) && !empty($_GET['search_submit'])){   
    $dest_code      = $_GET['dest_code'];
    $currency_code  = $_GET['currency_code'];
    $sortOrder      = $_GET['sortOrder'];
    $catId          = $_GET['catId'];
    $subcategoryId  = $_GET['subcategoryId'];
    $country_name   = $_GET['country_name'];
    $state_name     = $_GET['state_name'];
    $country_dest_id= $_GET['country_dest_id'];
    $check_in	    = $_GET['check_in'];
    $check_out	    = $_GET['check_out'];
    $lookupId       = $_GET['lookupId'];
    if($dest_code =='' && $country_dest_id != '') {
        $dest_code = $country_dest_id;
} else {
     $lookupId      = $_GET['lookupId'];
    $dest_code      = $_GET['dest_code'];
    $currency_code  = $_GET['currency_code'];
    $sortOrder      = $_GET['sortOrder'];
    $catId          = $_GET['catId'];
    $subcategoryId  = $_GET['subcategoryId'];
    $country_name   = $_GET['country_name'];
    $state_name     = $_GET['state_name'];
    $country_dest_id= $_GET['country_dest_id'];
    $check_in	    = $_GET['check_in'];
    $check_out	    = $_GET['check_out'];
    if($dest_code =='' && $country_dest_id != '') {
        $dest_code = $country_dest_id;
    $getdataarr         = getAdventureSearch($dest_code,$currency_code,$sortOrder,$check_in,$check_out);
    $adventure_data_arr = $getdataarr['data'];
    $image              = '' ;

$part = new Body();
$title = "Things to do in ";
if($state_name !="")
{ $title .= $state_name.' ' ;}
if ($country_name=="United States of America")
 { $title .= 'USA ' ;
   $breadcrumb = 'USA';}
elseif ($country_name=="United Arab Emirates")
 { $title .= 'UAE ' ;
   $breadcrumb = 'UAE'; }
elseif ($country_name!="")
{ $title .= $country_name; }
$title .= " | Compare & Choose";

$meta = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="description" content="' .$state_name. ' Attractions & Things to do in ' .$country_name. '.  Find your adventure in ' .$country_name. ' Today." /><link rel="canonical" href="//www.compareandchoose.com.au/adventure_list"/>
<link href="https://plus.google.com/+CompareandchooseAuTravel/posts" rel="publisher" />
<meta itemprop="name" content="' .$title. '">
<meta itemprop="description" content="' .$state_name. ' Attractions & Things to do in ' .$country_name. '.  Find your adventure in ' .$country_name. ' Today.">
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="' .$title. '" />
<meta property="og:description" content="' .$state_name. ' Attractions & Things to do in ' .$country_name. '.  Find your adventure in ' .$country_name. ' Today." />
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.compareandchoose.com.au/" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Compare and Choose" />
<meta property="article:publisher" content="https://www.facebook.com/compareandchoose" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="1386609318277530" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.compareandchoose.com.au/images/Compare-and-Choose-logo.png" />
<meta property="og:image:width" content="313" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="75" />';
$head = $part->getHead($title,$meta);
$header = $part->getHeader('Adventure');
$footer = $part->getFooter();
echo $head;
echo $header;
    function sort() {
        $('.overlay_wrap').fadeIn();        $('.loader_hotel_page').fadeIn();
<div class="overlay_wrap" style="display: none;"></div>
                     <div class="loader_hotel_page" style="display: none;"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>images/search-loader.gif" alt="searching-records"/></div>
<!-----Adventure Listing----->
<div class="container">
    <div class="listing">            
                    <div class="row">
                    	<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
                        	<div class="refine-search travel">
                                	<?php require_once('files/keyword_search.php'); ?>                                
                                <div class="block">
                                	<div class="block-content">
                                    	<div class="block-title">Top Selling Tours & Activities</div>
                                        <div class="block-inner">
                                        	<div class="top-rated-pic">
                                            	<!--<img src="images/small-pic1.png" alt="" />-->
                                            <div class="top-topics-sec">
                                                $getcatdataarr = getCategoryDestination($dest_code);
                                                $category_arr  = $getcatdataarr['data'];
                                                if($category_arr !="")
                                                foreach ($category_arr as $categoryList) {
                                                if($catId == $categoryList['id']) {
                                                    $image      = $categoryList['thumbnailURL'];
                                                    $groupName  = $categoryList['groupName'];  
                                                    <p onclick="sort()">
                                                        <strong><?php echo $i;?>.</strong><a href="adventure_list.php?currency_code=<?php echo $currency_code; ?>&dest_code=<?php echo $dest_code;?>&sortOrder=<?php echo $sortOrder;?>&catId=<?php echo $categoryList['id'];?>&country_name=<?php echo $country_name;?>&state_name=<?php echo $state_name;?>&country_dest_id=<?php echo $country_dest_id; ?>&lookupId=<?php echo $lookupId;?>&check_in=<?php echo $check_in;?>&check_out=<?php echo $check_out;?>"><?php echo stripslashes($categoryList['groupName']);?></a>
                                                            $subcategories_arr = $categoryList['subcategories'];
                                                            foreach($subcategories_arr as $subcatList) {
                                                                echo '<br>';
                                                                <a href="adventure_list.php?currency_code=<?php echo $currency_code; ?>&dest_code=<?php echo $dest_code;?>&sortOrder=<?php echo $sortOrder;?>&catId=<?php echo $categoryList['id'];?>&subcategoryId=<?php echo $subcatList['subcategoryId'];?>&country_name=<?php echo $country_name;?>&state_name=<?php echo $state_name;?>&country_dest_id=<?php echo $country_dest_id; ?>&lookupId=<?php echo $lookupId;?>&check_in=<?php echo $check_in;?>&check_out=<?php echo $check_out;?>"><?php echo stripslashes($subcatList['subcategoryName']); ?></a>
                                                    } else{
                                            <p onclick="sort()"><strong><?php echo $i;?>.</strong><a href="adventure_list.php?currency_code=<?php echo $currency_code; ?>&dest_code=<?php echo $dest_code;?>&sortOrder=<?php echo $sortOrder;?>&catId=<?php echo $categoryList['id'];?>&country_name=<?php echo $country_name;?>&state_name=<?php echo $state_name;?>&country_dest_id=<?php echo $country_dest_id; ?>&lookupId=<?php echo $lookupId;?>&check_in=<?php echo $check_in;?>&check_out=<?php echo $check_out;?>"><?php echo stripslashes($categoryList['groupName']);?></a></p>
                                            <?php }$i++;}
                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9 col-lg-9">
                        	<div class="travel-main">
                            	<div class="row">                                	
                                          if($image !='')   {
                                            //$image = 'images/travel-pic.png';
					<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4">
					    <!--<img src="<?php echo $image;?>" alt="" />-->
                                    <div class="col-xs-12">
                                    	<h1>Things to do in <?php echo stripslashes($country_name);?></h1>
                                        if($state_name == '') {
                                            $search_name = $country_name;
                                        } else{
                                             $search_name = $state_name;
                                        <p>Compare and choose things to do in <?php echo stripslashes($search_name);?></p>
                                        <a href="#"><?php echo strtoupper(stripslashes($search_name));?> >></a>
                                        if($groupName != '') {
                                            echo '<p>'.$groupName.'</p>';
                                        <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="GET">
                                <div class="filtering">
                                  <select onchange="this.form.submit();" name="sortOrder">
                                    <option value="TOP_SELLERS" <?php if($sortOrder == 'TOP_SELLERS'){echo 'selected';}?>>Most Popular</option>
                                    <option value="REVIEW_AVG_RATING_D" <?php if($sortOrder == 'REVIEW_AVG_RATING_D'){echo 'selected';}?>>Top Rated</option>
                                    <option value="PRICE_FROM_A" <?php if($sortOrder == 'PRICE_FROM_A'){echo 'selected';}?>>Price(Low - High)</option>
                                    <option value="PRICE_FROM_D" <?php if($sortOrder == 'PRICE_FROM_D'){echo 'selected';}?>>Price(High - Low)</option>
                                  <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $currency_code;?>" id="currency_code">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="lookupId" value="<?php echo $lookupId;?>" id="lookupId">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="dest_code" value="<?php echo $dest_code;?>" id="dest_code">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="catId" value="<?php echo $catId;?>" id="catId">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="subcategoryId" value="<?php echo $subcategoryId;?>" id="subcategoryId">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="country_name" value="<?php echo $country_name; ?>" id="country_name" >
                                  <input type="hidden" name="state_name" value="<?php echo $state_name;?>" id="state_name">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="country_dest_id" value="<?php echo $country_dest_id;?>" id="country_dest_id">				    
                                    </div><div class="c1"></div></div></div>
                            if($adventure_data_arr != ""){
                               foreach($adventure_data_arr as $adventureList) {
                               $url = seoUrl($adventureList['title']);
                               if($catId == '') {
                            <div class="travel-list-sec">
                            	<div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3 spacal-img">
                                        if($adventureList['specialOfferAvailable'] == 1)
                                        <div class="spacal-tag">
                                            <img src="images/specila-tag.png" alt="" />
                                        <?php } ?>                                        
                                    	<img src="<?php echo $adventureList['thumbnailHiResURL'];?>" alt="" width="166" height="160" />
                                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9 col-lg-9">
                                    	<div class="travel-det"> 
                                    	<h2 style="text-transform: uppercase; font: 400 15px 'Open Sans', sans-serif; text-decoration: none;"><a style="color: rgb(103, 191, 54);" href="adventure_details.php?name=<?php echo $url;?>&code=<?php echo $adventureList['code'];?>&currencyCode=<?php echo $adventureList['currencyCode'];?>&lookupId=<?php echo $lookupId;?>&dest_code=<?php echo $dest_code; ?>"><?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['title']);?></a></h2>
                                        <p><?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['shortDescription']);?></p>
                                            <div class="rating-box">
                                              <div class="ratings">
                                                    $rate = $adventureList['rating'];
                                                    $f= floor($rate);
                                                    $c = ceil($rate);
                                                    $cnt = 0;
                                                    if($rate!="" && $rate!=0)
                                                    { for($in = 1; $in<=$rate ;$in++)
                                                      { $cnt++; ?>
                                                        <img src="images/rating_full.png">
                                                <?php } if($f != $c)
                                                         { $cnt++;
                                                        ?> <img src="images/rating_half.png">
                                               <?php } }
                                                    if($cnt<5) {
                                                        { $cnt++;
                                                            ?> <img src="images/rating_blank.png">
                                                    <?php  } }
                                                <!--<span class="stars"><?php echo $adventureList['rating']; ?></span>-->
                                            <div class="rating-txt">
                                            	based on <?php echo $adventureList['reviewCount']; ?> reviews
                                            <div class="c1"></div>
                                        <div class="price-box"><a href="adventure_details.php?name=<?php echo $url;?>&code=<?php echo $adventureList['code'];?>&currencyCode=<?php echo $adventureList['currencyCode'];?>&lookupId=<?php echo $lookupId;?>&dest_code=<?php echo $dest_code; ?>">
                                        <span style="float: right; margin-right: 1%; padding: 6px 20px; color: white; background-color: rgb(108, 191, 61); text-align: center; font-size:16px; font-weight:400;
">See Details →</span></a>                                  
                                           <span class="new_price">Duration :<?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['duration']);?></span><br />
                                        	<span class="new_price">From <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['currencyCode']);?> <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['priceFormatted']);?></span>
            if($adventureList['specialOfferAvailable'] == 1) {
             <div class="original">
               <p>Original Price : <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['rrpformatted']);?></p>
             <div class="save-price">
                <p>Saving Amount : <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['savingAmountFormated']);?></p>
                                        </div></div></div><div class="c1"></div></div></div>
                                } else {
                                    if($subcategoryId == '') {
                                     $catgory_arr = $adventureList['catIds'];
                                    if(in_array($catId, $catgory_arr)) {        
                              <div class="travel-list-sec">
                            	<div class="row">
                                	<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
                                    	<img src="<?php echo $adventureList['thumbnailHiResURL'];?>" alt="" width="166" height="160" />
                                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9 col-lg-9">
                                    	<div class="travel-det">
                                    	<h1><a href="adventure_details.php?name=<?php echo $url;?>&code=<?php echo $adventureList['code'];?>&currencyCode=<?php echo $adventureList['currencyCode'];?>"><?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['title']);?></a></h1>
                                        <p><?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['shortDescription']);?></p>
                                            <div class="rating-box">
                                                <span class="stars"><?php echo $adventureList['rating']; ?></span>
                                            <div class="rating-txt">
                                            	based on <?php echo $adventureList['reviewCount']; ?> reviews
                                            <div class="c1"></div>
                                        <div class="price-box">
                                            <div class="price">Duration :<?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['duration']);?></div>
                                        	<div class="price">From <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['currencyCode']);?> <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['priceFormatted']);?></div>
            if($adventureList['specialOfferAvailable'] == 1) {
             <h3>Special Offer </h3>
             <p>Original Price : <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['rrpformatted']);?></p>
             <p>Saving Amount : <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['savingAmountFormated']);?></p>
                                        </div></div></div><div class="c1"></div></div></div>
                                  } else{
                                   $sub_catgory_arr = $adventureList['subCatIds'];
                                    if(in_array($subcategoryId, $sub_catgory_arr)) {                 
                            <div class="travel-list-sec">
                            	<div class="row">
                                	<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
                                    	<img src="<?php echo $adventureList['thumbnailHiResURL'];?>" alt="" width="166" height="160" />
                                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9 col-lg-9">
                                    	<div class="travel-det">
                                    	<h1><a href="adventure_details.php?name=<?php echo $url;?>&code=<?php echo $adventureList['code'];?>&currencyCode=<?php echo $adventureList['currencyCode'];?>"><?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['title']);?></a></h1>
                                        <p><?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['shortDescription']);?></p>                                      
                                            <div class="rating-box">
                                                <span class="stars"><?php echo $adventureList['rating']; ?></span>
                                            <div class="rating-txt">
                                            	based on <?php echo $adventureList['reviewCount']; ?> reviews
                                            <div class="c1"></div>
                                        <div class="price-box">
                                            <div class="price">Duration :<?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['duration']);?></div>
                                        	<div class="price">From <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['currencyCode']);?> <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['priceFormatted']);?></div>
            if($adventureList['specialOfferAvailable'] == 1) {
             <h3>Special Offer </h3>
             <p>Original Price : <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['rrpformatted']);?></p>
             <p>Saving Amount : <?php echo stripslashes($adventureList['savingAmountFormated']);?></p>
                                        </div></div></div><div class="c1"></div></div></div>
							 } } } } }  
                        </div><div class="breadcrumb-new">
       <li><div itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb">
       <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL;?>" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a><span>></span>
       <li><strong>Adventures & Activities in <?php echo $state_name. ',' .$country_name; ?></strong></li>
   </div><div class="c1"></div></div></div></div>
<?php echo $footer ;?>

Hi All


I am trying to change my website from http to https and I have ran into a problem with one of the scripts producing a none secure http problem


Basically when I check this it shows a none secure error



insecure url = http://cache.graphicslib.viator.com/etcetcetc.jpg which needs to be https://cache.graphicslib.viator.com/etcetcetc.jpg


I thinks it is something to do with the array $adventureList array on line 285(not exactly sure, as I didn't write the code and I am not an expert)



So my question is how do I change this to https url


please find attached my page code



thanks in advance all




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  • Solution

I should note that the previous code could mess you up IF the url protocol is already 'https' because the preg_replace function will still match the 'http' part and replace that part with https, so you'll end up with httpss - which is not what you want.


A more robust solution would be this:

echo preg_replace('/^http[^s]/i','https', $adventureList['thumbnailHiResURL']);

This regular expression ('/^http[^s]/'i) means - match anything in the beginning of the string that's exactly 'http' followed by something that is not an 's' and ignore case.


If you are satisfied that your question has been answered to your satisfaction, please mark this post as answered.

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