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Condition for if to create div's with 2 different class in css.


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Hello all


i have this code

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT phonemodel FROM iphone ORDER BY phonemodel DESC LIMIT 4";
$rows = $conn->sqlExec($sql);

$nr_row = $conn->num_rows;
if($nr_row>=0) {
  $div_cls = (($nr_row % 2) == 0) ? 'linksmen' : 'linksmen_s';
  foreach($rows as $row) {
    echo '<div class="'.$div_cls.'" title="'.$row['phonemodel'].'"><a href="iphone.php?phonemodel='.$row['phonemodel'].'"><img src="images/mark.png" alt="" /> '.$row['phonemodel'].'</a></div>';

And looks like,the code take only firs class (linksmen) ,the condition else not working.did someone what is wrong.


Thx :)

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You're defining $div_cls outside the loop so it's only going to have 1 value. If you're trying to alternate background colors for the table rows, do yourself a favor and use CSS :nth-child(2). Otherwise you'll have to increment a value within your foreach loop and test the modulo value of that on each iteration.

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That line of code needs to go inside the foreach loop. But you do not want to use the $nr_row for the condtion. Instead you need to create a counter. To do so add   $i = 0;  before the foreach loop then in place of   $nr_row  you'd use    ++$i


This will increment $i by one on very iteration of loop. That line of code will now toggle between linksmen and linksmen_s classes on every iteration.

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You can also use the index in the foreach() instead of manually incrementing a counter

foreach($rows as $count => $row) //Use array index called $count
  $div_cls = (($count % 2) == 0) ? 'linksmen' : 'linksmen_s'; //use the $count to determine odd/even and apply classname for each
  echo '<div class="'.$div_cls.'" title="'.$row['phonemodel'].'"><a href="iphone.php?phonemodel='.$row['phonemodel'].'"><img src="images/mark.png" alt="" /> '.$row['phonemodel'].'</a></div>';

This can also be accomplished using pure css, a single classname for each of those divs (instead of 2 separate ones) and using odd/even pseudoselectors.


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Ch0cu3r thx, your ideea was working.So the code now is like this.maybe someone will need an example.

nr_row = $conn->num_rows;
$i = 0;
if($nr_row>=0) {
  foreach($rows as $row) {
    $div_cls = (($i % 2) == 0) ? 'linksmen_s' : 'linksmen';
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