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What happens if two people submit at the same time?


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People are unbelievable do you know that?


I'm selling my Nokia Lumia 920 for $100.00 locally and people are like "Can you go lower?" urrrrrrr


Like they have no concept of the value of what I am selling them ahhhhhhh


Like I sold a quadcore laptop Windows 8.1 touch screen for $140.00 and people were asking me to sell it for cheaper my god


It's not the first of the month but jesus


As far as your concern of Mysqli


I don't know


phpinfo() is right here




it outputs the php pages on the one page


Doesn't look like it from a brief Ctrl+F search


My mind is just spent right now, over exhausted,  I'm living the life of a bum and days and nights are blending together

I didn't even know what day it was today until my friend mentioned it was the weekend


I love it though, learning to code, building the project one piece at a time

Edited by greenace92
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Is an auto-increment column really necessary?  What if a random PK was desired?  Wouldn't a unique constraint provide the same results?

A unique constraint would prevent the duplicates, sure. However, rather than both users having their data saved successfully, one of them would be successful and the other would get a constraint violation error. Sure, you could write your code to detect this and re-try with a new random ID but why create that extra work for yourself?


As far as your concern of Mysqli


I don't know


phpinfo() is right here

Since neither Mysqli or PDO is listed as available options you will need to get them enabled. The ability to do this may be in your control panel somewhere, or you may need to edit your php.ini file to load the extensions. You might have to install them first through the system's package manager.

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I don't get it, most websites their account creation process consists of at least two steps. 


So in between those two steps, during the transition, how do they keep track of your info?


Why have I never been displayed someone else's account number?


IP address doesn't seem like a bad solution, since that's available... I mean I can go on Google and search "What is my IP address" and mine is displayed but as I stated before, I don't know if the last octet is varied between multiple users on the same network. They are varied according to the router... on ours it's like


#.#.#.0 then incrementing by 1 like this #.#.#.1, #.#.#.2, #.#.#.3, etc...

I'll tackle this problem soon enough, once I get at least one row entered


Thank you all very much for your responses

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This is so annoying, I'm not trying to vent here

I'm just pointing out how unbelievable it is, the support from GoDaddy


I've talked to 5 guys, and none of them have actually solved my problem


Apparently my IP address may be blacklisted, I tested it and it seems that indeed it is to some degree


I keep not being able to log into WHM which is what manages the server with Apache and all that


They white-listed my IP but it's dynamic so that only works when I get that IP


I don't know why these people aren't able to solve my problem, they just bounce me around and not try to help me by referring me to someone who can actually help me....


Anyway, I think I'm going to get a refund on my hosting and try somewhere else, their php and sql stuff is probably much better managed and not purposely set up to fail so you need to pay for a "fully managed" server... but whatever Who am I? I'm a customer, those who feed money into these companies.

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I don't get it, most websites their account creation process consists of at least two steps.


So in between those two steps, during the transition, how do they keep track of your info?


Why have I never been displayed someone else's account number?



Went over this with using session and mysqli_insert_id

The mysqli_insert_id() function returns the ID generated by a query on a table with a column having the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute. If the last query wasn't an INSERT or UPDATE statement or if the modified table does not have a column with the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, this function will return zero.


The users id should be the unique item to identify them, they can change their name,email,and ip's


As for ip's, the simplest I can describe it.

IP address doesn't seem like a bad solution, since that's available... I mean I can go on Google and search "What is my IP address" and mine is displayed but as I stated before,


Internet service providers assign an ip to a customer, some ip's are static (fixed) while others are dynamic (changes), so using an ip is not reliable.



I don't know if the last octet is varied between multiple users on the same network. They are varied according to the router... on ours it's like

#.#.#.0 then incrementing by 1 like this #.#.#.1, #.#.#.2, #.#.#.3, etc...



Totally different, that is the per computer internal ip in a network...subnetwork

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Yeah so I somewhat take back what I said about the GoDaddy customer service reps I mean they didn't really fix my problem but they said that it is not their fault / in their control and they were willing to stick around 

Some interesting stuff, did a traceroute 


~ $ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max
  1  2.492ms  2.542ms  1.826ms 
  2  5.705ms  *  * 
  3  9.360ms  9.027ms  18.727ms 
  4   *  *  * 
  5  18.394ms  *  * 
  6   *  *  * 
  7   *  *  * 
  8  81.494ms  100.651ms  80.790ms 
  9  84.853ms  77.559ms  78.751ms 
 10  91.410ms  79.325ms  86.044ms 
 11  77.687ms  80.241ms  88.649ms 
 12  83.075ms  78.355ms  81.863ms 
Also I'm going to reset my password and upon login, I'm going to learn how to iterate literally a thousand different IP variations of my own IP address to be allowed to access by server 
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It's ok to post questions to forums when you've exhausted doing searches concerning a question and just can't find the answer. However, probably 98% of the time someone already asked the question or a similar one and the solution can be located by sifting through a simple Google search. You find the answer faster and can get back to actually productively coding. 

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Yeah I get that but the boys at the forum can thank me for the views I generate = more money towards them 


this sucks 


I pay for something, can't get a refund, can't access it, what is that? Capitalism? 


I could also get get blocked, I realize that as well

I have been banned from asking questions on Stackoverflow (gee I wonder why?) anyway... there are always reasons for something not to work... what is that entropy? 


I don't really know what I'm going to do right now, it is a pain to set things up on linux, but I may just host it myself but that sounds like a bad idea, for one that I don't have static IP address(es) 


They can't seem to solve my problem (they've stated that they can't) third password reset... 

I know this is not related... oh well 


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I don't know, I can't seem to not be insecure / care about what people think of me 


I don't want to conform 

I understand, respect the rules, "be a better person" 


This problem I'm facing is dumb (I'm dumb), sometimes I can login, sometimes I can't, I ask the customer rep why that is, they don't know... "Everything is working fine on our end, must be you." great that's helpful 


Okay I am done posting here 

Edited by greenace92
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If you ever decide to come back and read this....


try enabling the extensions as kicken said in php.ini


if you need to install it back up your stuff first


I noticed in your configure seems to be these


'./configure' '--disable-fileinfo' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-libxml' '--enable-pdo=shared' '--enable-sockets' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--with-curl=/opt/curlssl/' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-gd' '--with-imap=/opt/php_with_imap_client/' '--with-imap-ssl=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-kerberos' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--with-libxml-dir=/opt/xml2/' '--with-mcrypt=/opt/libmcrypt/' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' '--with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr' '--with-pcre-regex=/opt/pcre' '--with-pdo-mysql=shared' '--with-pdo-sqlite=shared' '--with-pic' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr' '--with-zlib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr'


I normally use terminal

apt-get install php5-mysqlnd

since you said using whm and cpanel


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