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Sorting list in PHP


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I have this problem that I have to solve in PHP. I have such a difficult with this programming and I would be so grateful if someone could help me solve this.

The problem:

A lecturer has a group of students who need to be assigned to one of two groups for the
purpose of workshop sessions. She has a CSV file containing all the student records in the
following form:
student number, student first name, student last name
and requires that the students in this file are split into two equal sized groups based on the
alphabetical order of their last names. These two groups should be written out into separate
files in the alphabetical order of their last name.
I attach the student list in the post (students.txt)
If someone could spend their precious time helping me I would be forever thankful!


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In the manual page for str_getcsv, it provides an excellent example of how to get started; in the first comment.


$csv array_map('str_getcsv'file('data.csv'));


You will then have an array with all of the names


Also, in the manual, for the function array_multisort, there is another example.


foreach ($csv as $key => $row$lnames[$key]  = $row[2];



With their powers combined, you can create this

$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file('csv.csv'));
foreach ($csv as $key => $row) $lnames[$key]  = strtolower($row[2]);
array_multisort($lnames, SORT_ASC, $csv);
echo "<pre>", print_r($csv), "</pre>";

$csv is now sorting in ascending order by last name.

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