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temporary place holder, incremental organization


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I have this interesting problem, I think I know how to do it.


In a java class I took there was a lab on swapping the values of variables and if there were two variables, you needed a third temporary value holder.


So this project I'm working on has a row output, currently the individual values are outputted as a concatenated string but ideally they would be independent rows with accompanying buttons.


One of those buttons is a ^ symbol, when you press this, ideally the row is moved up in ID putting the previous ID in front or ahead.


The problem is that the ID's / rows are not necessarily in sequential order.


So, when I recall a set of rows that have random sequential values for example, 2, 5, 27, 41, 43


and those are outputted by themselves, now becoming 0,1,2,3,4 respectively or 1,2,3,4,5


So when I try to move 43 to position 2, that's 4 positions away or 4 clicks of the ^ button.


Now how do you deal with that 4 difference and the difference of 41... ? thereby, when the initial set of rows are recalled again, the order is now, 43, 5, 27, 41, 2 Of course the ID I think remains the same but the data is switched... ? yeah I have to draw some pictures, but this isn't a current problem to fix, later on down the road after I update the interface.


here is a drawing to explain, I'm more of a visual person




Any ideas would be appreciated, otherwise I will post my solution when I come to it. Or I don't figure it out and find one.


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I don't know... I have one table that users write into.


There are generally five fields, although it will increase: ID, username, content, keyphrase, date


People can write in random orders so when a specific user pulls up their content, the ID's are off...


I don't know if it's pointless for me to re-explain again.


So you've got these row ID outputs




and they are pulled by themselves so they could be treated as




Then, when the rows are swapped by the ^ button, they change in order and consequently their ID values change in the table I don't know if I can do that, would I need an empty row to use as a temporary place holder?

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There are generally five fields, although it will increase: ID, username, content, keyphrase, date


People can write in random orders so when a specific user pulls up their content, the ID's are off...


That is the reason we use forms rather then one big text area; so the order and type of information can be controlled.

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What do you mean?


The only textarea I use is "content", this accepts any strings, urls, paragraphs, etc... the rest are either Int's or Varchars


I have used the string concatenation solution temporarily as it was all that I needed but some suggestions came to mind which I view as a must for the tool to function correctly.

Edited by moose-en-a-gant
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