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array_slice not working properly


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I'm trying to do a string match of a "what is my browser" return


I counted the indexes, there are 30


I have this code, I tested four different browsers, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox


Only chromium works, why? I counted the indexes for both Firefox and Chromium output, they are identical unless I miscounted


I don't have internet explorer or chrome, I had a friend test pull up the link that has this code

$browsee = get_browser(null,true);
$array = (array_slice($browsee,5,-24));

echo "your browser is firefox";
}else if(in_array("Chromium",$array)){
echo "your browser is chromium";
}else if(in_array("Chrome",$array)){
echo "your browser is chrome";
}else if(in_array("Explorer",$array)){
echo "your browser is Internet Explorer";
echo "your browser was not detected";
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';

These are screenshots of the two browsers I use (I'm a Linux user)






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what does this mean?



I'd do it myself but array_slice won't work on the images you so thoughtfully provided



Usually when I try to output that, I just get "boolean(true)" or 1


Here's the output


your browser is chromium

Array ( [browser_name_regex] => §^mozilla/5\.0 \(.*linux x86_64.*\) applewebkit/.* \(khtml, like gecko\).*ubuntu.*chromium/39\..*chrome/.*safari/.*$§ [browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/5.0 (*Linux x86_64*) AppleWebKit/* (KHTML, like Gecko)*Ubuntu*Chromium/39.*Chrome/*Safari/* [parent] => Chromium 39.0 [platform] => Ubuntu [comment] => Chromium 39.0 [browser] => Chromium [version] => 39.0 [majorver] => 39 [frames] => 1 [iframes] => 1 [tables] => 1 [cookies] => 1 [javascript] => 1 [javaapplets] => 1 [cssversion] => 3 [minorver] => 0 [platform_version] => unknown [alpha] => [beta] => [win16] => [win32] => [win64] => [backgroundsounds] => [vbscript] => [activexcontrols] => [ismobiledevice] => [istablet] => [issyndicationreader] => [crawler] => [aolversion] => 0 ) 

Array ( [browser] => Chromium )


from this code:

$browsee = get_browser(null,true);
$array = (array_slice($browsee,5,-24));

echo "your browser is firefox";
}else if(in_array("Chromium",$array)){
echo "your browser is chromium";
}else if(in_array("Chrome",$array)){
echo "your browser is chrome";
}else if(in_array("Explorer",$array)){
echo "your browser is Internet Explorer";
echo "your browser was not detected";
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';
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What about the firefox array and the others that do not work?


If you have a 30 element array then array_slice($array, 5, -24) leaves a single element

$a = range(1,30);
$array = array_slice($a, 5, -24, 1);
echo '<pre>',print_r($array, true),'</pre>';

/* results **************
    [5] => 6

So if that 1 element doesn't contain what you are looking for then it won't work. Why use array_slice() here anyway?

Edited by Barand
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I'm specifically targetting the index [browser]


What I'm really after is to use get_browser() to return the browser type and then knowing this I can do specific changes to a website


I'm trying to accomplish it by string matching the browser names to the array output of get_browser()

I have isolated the [browser] as to me this tells you the name of the browser so that is my I'm confused why the array_slice is not matching since it worked for one but not the others and the index count / position has not changed

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Haven't tried, but according to the docs this should work:

//returns array of browser attributes
$browser = get_browser(null, true);

//get the name of the browser from the $browser array, but force to lowercase for comparison
$browser_name = strtolower($browser['browser']);

if($browser_name == 'firefox'){
echo "your browser is firefox";
}else if($browser_name == "chromium"){
echo "your browser is chromium";
}else if($browser_name = "chrome")){
echo "your browser is chrome";
}else if($browser_name = "explorer"){
echo "your browser is Internet Explorer";
echo "your browser was not detected";

I'm not sure why you're using array_slice for this...

Edited by CroNiX
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Haven't tried, but according to the docs this should work:

//returns array of browser attributes
$browser = get_browser(null, true);

//get the name of the browser from the $browser array, but force to lowercase for comparison
$browser_name = strtolower($browser['browser']);

if($browser_name == 'firefox'){
echo "your browser is firefox";
}else if($browser_name == "chromium"){
echo "your browser is chromium";
}else if($browser_name = "chrome")){
echo "your browser is chrome";
}else if($browser_name = "explorer"){
echo "your browser is Internet Explorer";
echo "your browser was not detected";

I'm not sure why you're using array_slice for this...


Ha wow that's great it works.


I explained the array_slice above, it was to isolate the index that said the browser name from the two test browsers Chromium and Firefox in Linux, array index # 6 is the browser, I counted the brackets by hand haha, tap, tap, tap


Anyway thank you for this, now I can fix my nightmare situation with my interface

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Well I created a variable for that here and forced it to lower-case: $browser_name = strtolower($browser['browser']);


so it's checking the $browser_name == lower-case browser names like 'firefox' instead of 'Firefox', which I think is would be more reliable.

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Even better a photo!




Yeah something seems off, my friend is testing internet explorer and this is the output 


your browser is chrome


Array ( [browser_name_regex] => §^mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; msie 8\.0.*; .*windows nt 6\.0.*wow64.*trident/4\.0.*$§ [browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0*; *Windows NT 6.0*WOW64*Trident/4.0* [parent] => IE 8.0 [platform] => WinVista [platform_version] => 6.0 [win32] => [win64] => 1 [comment] => IE 8.0 [browser] => IE [version] => 8.0 [majorver] => 8 [frames] => 1 [iframes] => 1 [tables] => 1 [cookies] => 1 [backgroundsounds] => 1 [javascript] => 1 [vbscript] => 1 [javaapplets] => 1 [activexcontrols] => 1 [cssversion] => 2 [minorver] => 0 [alpha] => [beta] => [win16] => [ismobiledevice] => [istablet] => [issyndicationreader] => [crawler] => [aolversion] => 0 )





Edited by moose-en-a-gant
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The internet explorer browser is still not getting detected properly

I don't understand this


I mean I think I do, it looks the same as $errors['username'] for example or $_SESSION['user']

It's just an array right?


I tried to not check for non-caps using this line

$browser_na = ($browser['browser']);

I guess I'll look and see if I can find an internet explorer specific word that is lower case to use

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Cronix had a typo in the code he provided. Specifically there was this:

}else if($browser_name = "chrome")){
echo "your browser is chrome";

That is trying to assign the value 'chrome' to the variable $browser_name (notice the single equal sign) instead of comparing them. Since the assignment always succeeds, the result is true and that condition is met. You could fix that with a double equal sign, but I think there is a better way to do the comparison that allows you to expand the list easily without writing more code. Just change the array at the top:

//Create list of known browsers
// -- Set key as the lowercase value found in the return value of get_browser
// -- Set value to the name you would like to display
$browserList = array(
    'ie'=>'Internet Explorer'
//returns array of browser attributes
$browser = get_browser(null, true);
//get the name of the browser from the $browser array, but force to lowercase for comparison
$browser_name = strtolower($browser['browser']);
//Check if returned browser name exists in the list of known browsers
    $browserMsg = "Your browser is {$browserList[$browser_name]}";
    $browserMsg = "Your browser was not detected";
echo $browserMsg;
Edited by Psycho
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